Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 21, 2016
By Planetmars94 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Planetmars94 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

EOY Nominee-Mr. Bell                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                      Educator of the year nominee !
     Throughout my life I have been surrounded by great music teachers. Fortunately, at this time only one teacher has come to mind for me to nominate:Mr. Bell. Who is this person? Well the answer to that question is easy, he is a very out-spoken, emotional, extreme, and dynamic music teacher.
For starter, Mr. Bell is out-spoken. When I say the word out-spoken,what comes to your mind? Do you think of the words:mean, loud, or inconsiderate? The words that pop up in my mind are:brave, caring, and confident. He is brave and caring at the same time. Why? Because he was able  to get a room of 40  girls to get along.
I say that he was able to get 40+ girls to get along because Mr. Bell was extremely emotional. Our class was either in the morning or at the end of the day,so our moods were always changing. As all teenagers do, we tend to share emotions very easily with each other. Since it was 40 girls to one teacher, he picked up our emotions easier than anyone else. You would think that it was a bad thing, but it wasn't.
If anyone knew Mr. Bell, they would say that he was extreme. As emotional as our class was he was, able to stop it really quick. He would annoy us as much as we annoyed him that class. He's the only teacher I know that will take how we act and talk and use it against us.
If we were having a great day, you would see a dynamic ball of sunshine. Through the sunny days I have learned many things;three things come to mind.Old is new and new is old, don't stress yourself out too much, and just dance. This means live life to the fullest.
In the end, I choose Mr. Bell as my Educator of the Year nominee because he was always there for me as a singer. He has all the characteristics that a music teacher needs. Mr. Bell is a teacher that had a huge impact on me. He is also the one music teacher I know that I will never forget.Which is why he’s my nominee for Educator of the Year.

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