EOY Mr. Walker | Teen Ink

EOY Mr. Walker

April 21, 2016
By Riley1231 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Riley1231 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

EOY Essay Mr. Walker
Have you ever met a social studies teacher like Mr. Walker?  If not let me explain why he is the best social studies teacher there is.  He is such a good teacher the way he teaches the kids, the way he participates with the school, and finally the way he interacts with the kids.
The first reason is the way he teaches the subject.  Mr. Walker to me makes the best slideshows there could possibly be, each slide gives just the right amount of information to understand the chapter and subject.  Then, Mr. Walker gives very good worksheets that cover everything that we have learned in the class, and they are a great study guide for every quiz and test.  Next way Mr. Walker teaches so well is when he plays videos on the subject. The information on the videos helps me and other students, and on geography days he plays planet Earth videos; it is very relaxing and still educational.  Finally, he gives the best tips to get good grades on the test and the quizzes like websites, study guides, worksheets, and good advice.
Next is that Mr. Walker is always at the school doing something awesome.  Even though I don’t play lacrosse, Mr. Walker is the head coach and being a coach and a teacher is something hard to do and shows his dedication to the school, and I give him respect for that.  Then, Mr. Walker always participates in school activities like our Halloween party which Mr. Walker was the best dressed up teacher and made it fun for the kids; also made it fun for him, and I’m pretty sure that he won best costume contest.  Finally, the pep rally, Mr. Walker was very energetic and participated in the student vs. teachers football game; he was a monster on the field.  Also, he was the one to make the winning touchdown catch, and the whole school went crazy; I think that is cool for a social study teacher.
  The last reason that Mr. Walker is the best teacher I have yet is the way he interacts with the kids during class time.  Mr. Walker makes entering class very welcoming and chill; he doesn’t get too mad or flip out, but if someone is acting out, then he will get serious and reprimand them but in a good way.  He is a welcoming person; every time you enter the class room, he will say “good morning” or “hello” every day, and it makes me ready to learn.  The next thing is that he makes sure that everyone does their best, and if someone is having trouble, he handles the situation right away.  The last thing is that he lets everyone copy down the work before moving on and this is very helpful for me especially because it takes me awhile to copy down work and that is why Mr. Walker is a great social studies teacher. 
  I hope that you can see why Mr. Walker is such a good social studies teacher.  He is the best teacher I ever had, and he’s the reason with the way he teaches, the way he participates with the school, and finally the way he interacts with the kids.  That is why I nominated Mr. Walker for the EOY essay contest.

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