Coach Reeder (EOY) | Teen Ink

Coach Reeder (EOY)

April 21, 2016
By Johanson21 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Johanson21 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Devoted, experienced, and tenacious. These are all words to describe one of the best mentors that I have ever had in my life. Coming from Shamokin, Pennsylvania Dan Reeder not only changed my life as an athlete but also as a citizen. He taught me life lessons while also teaching me how to play the sport of football.
Dan Reeder played collegiate football for the Boston College Eagles and for the University of Delaware Blue Hens. Also,  he played NFL fullback for the Oakland Raiders and Pittsburg Steelers for about 4 seasons combined. After his success while playing football he moved onto coaching high school and middle school football. He was very successful at coaching high school football at Avon Grove; the school's history going to the third round of the division playoffs. He then moved to middle school football for Holy Angels where he won 7 championships in a row. Over that seven season period he developed some of the best high school football players in Delaware.
  As a football coach he took time out of his stressful job as the Executive Vice President of CBRE, which is an international real estate company. He taught that in order to be successful in anything that you do in life you will have to give it your all; whether it be playing a sport or being an accountant, you should always put your heart into whatever you are serious about.  Coaching also takes hours out of his weekends to watch film on the next team to prepare our team for the next week. Not only does he focus on our football team,  but he also makes sure to never miss any football games that his sons are playing in. (Troy Reeder Linebacker University of Delaware & Colby Reeder Safety Salesianum School).
In order to be as accomplished a man as Dan you have to be very tenacious. Dan played fullback when he was in college and the NFL. The technological advancements that we have now did not exist, so there for you can only imagine some of the head injuries that would be sustained while playing back in that time period. In order to play at the highest level of football it will take early mornings and late nights to perfect your craft as a player. As a coach he won championships seven years back to back. Football is not the only thing that Reeder works hard for; his job as an EVP is one in which he has consistently been one of CBRE's top 10 producers in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Region, and CBRE's top 200 producers on a national level.
When I think of Dan Reeder, I think of someone who instilled in me and everyone that has come in contact with him that everything that you want in life you will have to work hard for, whatever it is. I do not believe that I  am one of the only individuals that can say that Dan Reeder made them an all around better person by leading by example with his own life and that is why I have nominated him for Educator of the Year.

The author's comments:

At first this was a ELA assignment, but it went way farther than that when talking about one of the men who made me the way I am today. Dan Reeder is one of the biggest mentors growing up and he made a positive impact on my life; I'm glad to be given the oppritunity to share that with you. 

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