Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 21, 2016
By Hannah.poteat BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Hannah.poteat BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                                                        April 20, 2016
        First day in Ms. Calderone’s business class. I’m already fitting into the high school scene. The bell rang and she took muster and she began explaining how she runs things. How she loves inspirational quotes, and how business teaches you things you need to get through real life. Her classroom was so colourful and full of inspirational quotes. In her speech she said If any of her students need to talk that she’d be there for them. She genuinely meant it.
          My experience in Ms. Calderone’s class was a mix of laughter, work, and computers. My friend in the class was having a bad time, so she talked to Ms. Calderone. It made her feel better, and she got past it. I never had a personal problem where I would tell a teacher, but if I did, I knew who to go to. 
        Ms. Calderone is a basketball and a softball coach. Even though she doesn’t coach softball for our school, she coaches our girls J.V. basketball. I didn't play basketball; I here she was a fun coach and when I saw a game, I could see that she was having fun and so was the team.
      Ms. Calderone has many friendships with her students. It’s a friendship where she genuinely cares about how your spring break was or how your weekend was. When she asks a question, she wants to know the answer. She cares about how you are doing and if you are struggling with school, work, or life. She cares even if you don’t.
        Ms. Calderone is a business teacher, a basketball and a softball coach, an inspirational quote lover, and a friend to all students. She makes her students laugh,  have fun in her class, and get work done. Her class is great to have at the end of the day. That’s why I nominated Ms. Jessica  Calderone for Educator of the Year.

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