EOY nominee | Teen Ink

EOY nominee

April 21, 2016
By TonyGonzalez BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
TonyGonzalez BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who else other than Ms. Meier?

   Do you have someone who believes in what you want to do? Do you have someone who will support your life and/or your future career? Do you have someone, that even what she does as a career, will put that on hold to help or care for you? Now look at all of those questions and put them into one person. Did you do it? Did you guess Ms. Meier? This woman just might be one of the best to have by your side.

   One big thing that really touched me about Ms. Meier is that from the beginning ever since I met her, she was really into and very supportive about my future, especially when it came to school. She was a big part of me even considering my current school, the Delaware Military Academy, or DMA. She knew I wanted to either be in the Army or Air force, so we started looking for schools that were in the area but also gave you a good education. We spent days looking for high schools, even when she was busy, she would find the time to help with whatever I was needed. Once we found DMA, she was the first to write a recommendation letter because she believed in me.

   Another big thing this amazing woman does is, listen to my problems and try and help as much as she could. No matter how big, or how weird the problem was, she always knew what to say. She was really helpful for those problems that you don’t want to tell your parents because come on, we all have those problems. She was also there when there was no one else to comfort you, when you feel like it’s only you and no one else. She was always the one who didn’t allow you to fail, and that didn’t allow you to walk out of her office feeling down and gloomy because she knew when you felt that way; even if you tried to act it off, she knew.

   Ms. Meier is also a big inspiration to my career. She is a guidance Counselor for George Read Middle and the best one for sure. Almost every time I went to her office, she had someone needing help and counseling. I would even try to learn some of the ways of counseling, because being a guidance counselor can sometimes be a very challenging job, and since Ms. Meier was such a big influence on my life, I was actually thinking about being a guidance counselor. She doesn’t even know that yet.

   It is insane how one person can change and impact someone’s life. In all honesty, I really didn’t see myself saying that about a guidance counselor or anyone in the schooling business. I see now how hard teachers and administrators work; I admires them. Ms. Meier is just an awesome human being all around. I hope that everyone will have that one person in their life like Ms. Meier; She’s my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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