Coach Gloria | Teen Ink

Coach Gloria

April 22, 2016
By baileygregg BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
baileygregg BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of The Year

Have you ever had a teacher or a coach that had an influence on your life? I have. One of my coaches shaped me and helped contribute to who I am today; her name is Gloria. Coach Gloria was my first cheer coach. We met in early April, from that point on she was always nice, supportive, and helpful. She helped me to get where I am today, not only in school but in the cheer world.
Coach Gloria was very supportive too me and my past team. She asked what was wrong and also offered to help with school, or even things outside of school. I did cheer outside of school, with a completely different coach, and Coach Gloria still came to one of my competitions, to support me. After my team got done competing, she told me and my friends how amazing we did, and she was proud of us. We had cheer practice from May to September. Coach Gloria came everyday straight from work, changing her hours so she could come to our practices.

One thing I will never forget from my experiences with Coach Gloria is her kindness and her great sense of humor. Whenever I messed up, Coach Gloria would tell me that I could do whatever I put my mind to, and to go for it. Coach Gloria would always be making jokes about everything, and she always knew how to brighten the mood. When we were learning our pep rally dance, she would pick out people who were doing really good. When someone wasn't doing too well she wouldn't call them out, she would say it to the group so one person wouldn't be embarrassed. At the end of the season the coaches got all of us a bracelet and a cd with pictures from the season on it; she didn't have to do that, but she did because she wanted us to remember what a great cheer season we had.

  This past cheer season was a whole boat load of drama, between girls, and coaches. Through it all, Coach Gloria was helpful; she asked almost every practice how we were doing in school and if we needed help with homework or any projects. I will never forget the time that Coach Gloria was trying to help with hair before a game, and she was pulling my hair so tight my eyes were watering, but at least I know she was trying to be helpful. I think coach Gloria was such a good coach because she always knew when to be strict with things and when to have fun. Over the summer the team went to a big cheer camp, and there were so many other teams. We had to compete and it was so scary; I almost had a panic attack, but coach Gloria pulled me aside and calmed me down.

    I  nominate Coach Gloria for Educator of the Year because she helped me so much through my first year of high school and in cheer. Coach Gloria is nice , supportive, and helpful. She is probably one of my favorite coaches. Although during my cheer season there were a couple times where I wanted to quit, Coach Gloria helped me through it. One of my favorite things about this cheer season was getting to have such a great coach that I will never forget.

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