In This Together | Teen Ink

In This Together

April 27, 2016
By DLambros BRONZE, Glen Arm, Maryland
DLambros BRONZE, Glen Arm, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Through these last four years, my high school soccer coach has taught us to treat every member of the team like family, regardless of their upbringings. The color of our skin, our gender, or our religion does not make a difference on the performance and talent people have to offer. Because as he said, "we're all in this together," I know disregarding what happens on and off the field, everything is left behind and we play as a team. Coach Menegatti made me fight for the potential he knew I had. The work I put in was never good enough until I finally realized, for myself, the full talent I have. My input to the team was more important than I would have ever thought. I have learned more than just soccer skills. I learned how to treat others when they are feeling discouraged. I learned how to lead others when they needed guidance. And I learned how to fall back on people when I was the one who needed support. Coach Menegatti made me truly identify myself as a person. This is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life and will play a role in everything I do. I feel enlightened when he greets me in the hallway because it is a daily reminder of the potential he made me found within myself.  

The author's comments:

Starting my high school soccer career playing JV was not what I hoped for but with the help of Coach Menegatti, I knew I had what it took to play varsity.

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