The Teacher I Was Lucky to Have | Teen Ink

The Teacher I Was Lucky to Have

December 23, 2016
By JaxCross30 BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
JaxCross30 BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
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Do you have a teacher that you felt fortunate to have?  Well my educator of the year was also my substitute teacher in my first-grade year and that’s how I met her.  She was a substitute for about two months and after the two months passed everyone started to miss her because she was a really good substitute.  She was a great substitute because she is kind to everyone she met or saw and never been nothing but kind, she is positive about everything and always seeing the good in everyone and she is caring for every single one of her students.  During that summer after I finished first-grade she started tutoring me on taught me how to have more organized and fluent handwriting, reading and how to write in a straight line.  Then, five years later I see her again and now I was in 6th grade at Brandywine Springs School she became my business technology teacher and my choice of educator of the year and her name is Mrs.Foxwell and I feel very lucky that I had her.

I learned a lot from Mrs.Foxwell and that year was a difficult one, and some things I learned that year from her were things mostly like how to type on a keyboard without looking at the keys, how to write in cursive, and a lot about internet safety.  As well, she has taught us how to have a ferm handshake when meeting people because it shows respect and professionalism in yourself.  One thing that helped me and still does help me get through things like school?  It was her modo “Just Do It,” sure this modo is a copy off of Nike, but she said the meaning of this modo to her is to do your work that needs to be done first and do everything else after.  Mrs.Foxwell as well took time to help you as much as possible and always finds a way to make your problems go away and the cause of that as the self-confidence she gave you. 

   At Brandywine Springs Mrs.Foxwell taught us how to become a CEO of our own pretend business and we got to pick a real location of the business, and like the whole room layout of our business, and business cards and as well.   Then, after we had all done the research needed to start our own business than we all had an opening event for all of our businesses and we had to talk about what are businesses were all about and what the business was called, what the business did (as in what the employees work on in our business), times schedules, and other information.  She really helped me with this to because to me it was a big transition between the years is such a big change, but I honestly think that I wouldn’t have done it without her.  If you were struggling somewhere she will push you to your limit to get it done or get you to surpass your best at anything.  The reason she does that is because she cares about your success and about you being prepared.

The hardest thing I think I had to prepare for in her class was the interview and that was the most difficult thing we did for any of our years with her.  The whole interview thing was to be prepared for a future job and as well it also prepared us for are interviews for high schools for example my DMA interview.  That lesson prepared me for the following… one: knowing how to react during my interview, two: helped me be more organized for the interview, and many more things that prepared me.  We had all of our things together for an interview and how to really be prepared for it and then that was when we found out that we had actual interviews (not for an actual job) with some of her friends that were successful in the business world.  Then, we had practice writing out bills and that part was actually pretty easy to me and kind of fun and I felt like I could do them all day.

Do you have a teacher you felt fortunate to have?  Well I do and that is what this essay was about and how great of a teacher she was.  To me personally Mrs.Foxwell was more than a teacher to me because I’ve known her for like my whole life and I always liked how excited she was to see me every day.  I always felt like she is the only teacher I think has ever really understood me and she’s been through a lot with me at least before I left.  I felt very fortunate about having Mrs.Foxwell as a teacher because she always had a positive attitude that I miss very much and how she always had my back when things were tough and I would never find someone else like her in this world because a person like that is a true one of a kind.  So, these are the reasons I picked my middle school business technology teacher as my educator of the year, and thank you for your time and hope you enjoyed my essay.

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