Ms. Brady | Teen Ink

Ms. Brady

December 23, 2016
By Aryana_Hernandez BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Aryana_Hernandez BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What do you usually do when I'm gone Patrick?" ~ SpongeBob SquarePants.
"Wait for you to come back." ~ Patrick Star.

The educator I look up to is a person who is very interesting and knows how to make class fun is my 8th grade English teacher Ms. Brady who taught at HB DuPont Middle school. I remember walking in to her class on the first day; I was dreading it because I’ve heard that she was mean and tough. I was in her honors class, so I was terrified especially since English is the one subject I’m not that good at. When I walked through her door, my whole thought of her changed; she was this lady that was the complete opposite. She was only tough and mean when she needed to be. She showed me loyalty, how to be bound and determined, and to be goal-oriented.

Ms. Brady is the kind of teacher who knows when it’s time to have fun and when it’s time to be serious. She never tolerated child-like behavior, and she always pushed students to do their best in everything. She wasn’t strict but she wasn’t as easygoing as other teachers. She was very straightforward about what she wanted us to do and how she wanted us to do it. She was so respectful to everyone. She taught us many different lessons, some having to deal with English others having to deal with life. She showed us that not everything is about ourselves. I remember one time in class we were reading the novel “Night”, and she stopped to talk to us about the book and how the author most have felt, and how would we feel if we were in his shoes? She showed us when we needed to be serious and when we need to be relaxed and not to be stressed.

Ms. Brady is a very loyal and honest lady. She would tell you the truth even if it hurt, and that’s one of the things that admire about her. She was very trustworthy, she’s the kind of teacher that you can go to if you’re having a problem, and she’ll give you advice on how to get through it. She loved to tell you about her personal life if you asked, but she was very private with some of her answers. She was very open though; she talked about her son and how she is a single mom. Ms. Brady wasn’t the one to beat around the bush. If you asked her a question, she answered it the best she can. She would even ask us questions if she was confused by something or if she didn’t know what the answer might be.

Ms. Brady is very goal-oriented; she knows what she wants and how she wants it. She never gives up and always pushes herself and others to reach their goals. She never stops; she is very determined to see herself and others succeed. She would get disappointed when she saw that you weren’t trying your best or if you tried, but didn’t give it your all. Ms. Brady is that kind of teacher who dislikes messes. She’s very organized and neat. She is well rounded and will help you get yourself organized and to get yourself where you need to be and where you want to be.

Ms. Brady may not be the ideal teacher to all, but she is one of the best to me. She educated me and showed me many new things. She opened my eyes to new possibilities, and helped me to see things from a different perspective. She taught me things I didn’t think were important at first.  She showed me that all it takes to persevere in life is to be loyal to those who are loyal to you, to be goal-orientated, and to be determined to do what makes you happy and what makes you feel good. I hope this nomination makes her feel good and proud; she deserves it. She‘s my Educator of the Year

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