Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 2, 2017
By Sereno BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Sereno BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody might say all teachers are terrible and all of them are out to get you, however sometimes, that is not always true. This was the case with my seventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Furilla. Mrs. Furilla was by far my favorite teacher.  I always looked forward to her class and that’s saying a lot for someone who, at the time, hated going to school.

Where can I start?  Well, first of all, Mrs. Furilla was one of the people who helped me through my seventh grade “experience.”  I didn’t like most of my other teachers and lot of the other students.  The school started to go through some changes, and so did I.   To be honest, I was not the best student, or the best listener.  I would always talk when I was not supposed to, but when I did; she would call me out on my behavior.  She would explain the reason why I shouldn’t be talking when it wasn’t my turn.  She always said what I had to say was important but I had to do it the appropriate way.  When she disciplined me for not listening or following the rules, I would get mad sometimes, but I knew she was right. 

In the beginning of the year, I was not so sure about Mrs. Furilla.  I thought she would be a mean English teacher who was always picking on her students, loading them with extra work and not taking the extra step, but she was not that way at all. She, in fact, was the opposite.   She was nice and always fun (well, most of the time), but more importantly, she was fair. Showing up to her class made always made me happy. I never had a doubt in my mind that something exciting would be planned for our class. There was one day I walked into class and I didn’t think I could bear another class after the day I had with all of my other classes (which were boring and exhausting). But when I walked into Mrs. Furilla's class, she explained what we would be learning but in a more upbeat exciting way.   We played a game were if we believed it was one answer we would go to one side of the room or the other. It was so unexpected and everyone had a great time.  She made learning fun!  So much better than just sitting at our desks reading a text book. I think teachers should have a more physical way of teaching, like getting up and moving. I feel it would get kids more into the class and stop more of the side conversations.

Mrs. Furilla was always upbeat about everything. She would always find ways to make classwork that was usually boring exciting. She would always find ways to give us free time when we earned it, but we definitely had to earn it.  Overall she was an exciting teacher that cared about her students.  I remember one day we came in and Mrs. Furilla had a TV in her room the whole class asked “What are we doing today?” and she says were watching the Titanic.  It was out of nowhere.   She was a teacher that always arranged fun activities for the class, she expected a lot of her class, but she rewarded us just as much.

There are so many reasons but this is one of the main ones. Mrs. Furilla cared about her students, especially me, like they were her own.  She would ask people what is wrong when someone walked in who looked sad, upset, mad, etc. She would always find ways to cheer people up. One day I came in angry and she pulled me aside and asked what happened.  I explained to her that I had just gotten into an argument with someone.   We talked about the problem and she made my day better just by telling me that I shouldn’t let it get to me, things will work out.  Her advice helped a lot.  If I didn’t have her as my English teacher, there is no way that I would be able to make it past the 7th grade. When I graduated I was sad, but only because I knew that I wouldn’t have Mrs. Furilla again.

I could’ve written about any other teacher but I couldn’t think of a better teacher to write about than Mrs. Furilla. Thank you Mrs. Furilla for making my seventh grade experience the best. I never would’ve made it through seventh grade without you. You were the best teacher I could’ve ever asked for and for that you made my whole seventh grade year better.

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