MSgt. Howie | Teen Ink

MSgt. Howie

January 3, 2017
By jaden.stokes BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jaden.stokes BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coming in to high school was very scary because I didn’t know what to expect.  I also  only knew a few kids. The day before school my mom told me my teachers and one of their names was MSgt. Howie; he was my Naval Science Instructor (NSI). It was the first day of school, and my mind was consumed with scary thoughts, but the class I was most worried about was MSgt. Howie’s. The reason why is because I felt like we would be doing tons of fitness in his class, and he would be yelling a lot. Then, when I walked into his class and saw this giant man who was pretty bulky too, he was scary.

The first day of class was pretty easy because he introduced himself. He was 6 feet 7 inches tall and about 240 lbs; he also had over 20 years of military experience. Then we had to go up to the front of the class and introduce ourselves, and I was petrified. I am not good talking in front of people, but I had to get over it and face my fears, so I did it, and I was fine. He definitely is preparing me to be more respectful, and he’s helping me interact with people more. MSgt. Howie has taught me, and all the students in my class, how to be a leader. I’m glad it was him that taught me how to become a leader.

MSgt. Howie is very respectful, and you should be respectful back, or you’ll be doing push-ups. He isn’t the person that will yell in your face all the time, but he can be strict about some things. For example, he hates when cadets are chewing gum or have hands in pockets. He is also very strict about being out of uniform. He has made me be more respectful at my house, and has helped me do more things for my mom. MSgt. Howie is also very funny, he likes to tell us jokes, he loves to dance,and a lot of things in his class that are boring, he’ll make fun. For example, in the middle of class doing work. He tells funny stories about him in the military that have to do with the work we are doing in class. He has told us tons of stories; some are sad and some are funny, but they have taught me a lot and touched me personally. 

MSgt. Howie is a hardworking person, and he will work for whatever he wants until he achieves it. He will help you be prepared for not just high school or college but for what you do in life. Although he might yell sometimes or have you do push-ups, he’s a great NSI. MSgt. Howie isn’t just a hardworking teacher, but he’s an inspiring one as well.

If I could tell all future students about MSgt. Howie, I would tell them that he’s a great person and you’ll remember him for a long time. The things he has taught me will prepare me for my decisions and the obstacles I will face in life. All the stories he told me I’ll remember always. That’s why I’m nominating him as the Educator of the Year.

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