Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 5, 2017
By jayroy2 BRONZE, Wilimington, Delaware
jayroy2 BRONZE, Wilimington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On my first day of 8th grade there was a rumor going around school that we had a new
girls gym teacher. Already on first day, i've already heard that she's mean, cool, funny and pretty and I don’t know what to believe. I was so curious of what she would be like, was she mean?, Was she funny?. Is she cool? What does she look like?. I wouldn't know until I met her myself.

I had to wait for five whole classes to even see her, five classes of listening to the same old boring teachers talk about getting your parents to sign this and sign that and make sure you bring this back by Friday. Finally after a long day of listening it was time for some fun. As soon as the bell rang I sprang up and hustled to the gym as fast as I could without getting yelled at for running in the halls.

When I arrived at the gym I was greeted politely and given a piece of paper to fill out. As soon as I was done filling out my paper, we got started. We played kickball, basketball and did cardio stations, just like that not really any explaining and getting papers signed. I don't know who came up with rumors the because Ms.Ahrens had to be the most sweetest and nicest teacher I have ever met.

Ms.Ahrens and I got really close over the next couple of weeks right around fall sports had started get ready and begin. Ms.Ahrens got me interested in field hockey and told be to tryout because I had some experience with the sport from playing street and ice hockey. On the first day of tryouts I showed up without a stick, but that wasn't a big deal at all because Coach Ahrens let me borrow one. But then we came across a problem, I am left handed and they do not make field hockey sticks for lefties, so she left me try playing goalie and it turns out I was pretty good at it. A few more days of tryouts went by and then they announced the team, and I happened to be the starting goalie for the field hockey team.

Ms.Ahrens also helped me out when I was having good and bad days. She would always pull me into her office when she knew something was up or if i needed to talk. She would allow me to vent to her and proceed back to me with either feedback or advice;I am very thankful for all the things she has done for me. I would like to wish her good luck with all your classes and her team, even know you won't need it. Thank you Ms.Ahrens; you are my nominee for Teen Ink’s Educator of The Year. 

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