Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 4, 2017
By Logan_Jordan23 BRONZE, Hockessin , Delaware
Logan_Jordan23 BRONZE, Hockessin , Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher that you liked so much you wished you had them every class? I’m happy to be able to say I have. My teachers name was Mrs. Foxwell and I am nominating her for the “Educator of the Year” award.

Mrs. Foxwell is the best, but my main reason for choosing her was how she showing me time-management and to work hard for what you want. Mrs.Foxwell’s saying was “Just do it”-Nike because if you just do it and don’t complain, you can get a lot more work done. She would always give us projects or tasks that if you didn’t manage your time wisely, or if you goofed off you wouldn’t finish you work in time, So after a while kids started to realize that they couldn’t fool around and get their work done in time, and most kids stopped ad got to work. Most of the time I was one of the kids fooling around, but she kept telling me to use my time wisely and eventually I did, and I think because of that I am a better student now then I was.

Mrs. Foxwell wasn’t like the other teachers at BSS, she didn’t treat us like we were toddlers, and she showed us what to expect in the real world. Also, she helped us with things not everyone can do like computer skills and presenting skills. What I mean is she showed us the real world by making us do a 25 page business plan and our own resume. This will come in handy when I apple for a job. In computer skills she helped me type faster and use all the Microsoft programs better too. When I entered Mrs.Foxwells class in 6th grade I was kind of scared and worried, but when I left her class I was confident and pound of all the new things I learned.

  Although in Mrs. Foxwell’s class we had a lot of work, she always rewarded us when it was deserved. Like after a big project or task she would give us a free day to relax or play on the computers for doing a good job. Mrs. Foxwell was one of the most outgoing people I have ever met. Whether she always was smiling or just had a positive attitude she was an all-around good person, and she cared about our futures, and helping us get there.

Overall, I feel lucky to have had the chance of having Mrs. Foxwell as a teacher, because of how much she taught me while I was in her class. Moving forward in my high school career, I believe I will be ahead of the game in terms of getting a job and in the business class at DMA. I cannot thank Mrs. Foxwell enough for all that she taught me thought out my years in her class.

The author's comments:

My Teacher thought it would be a good project for us to do in class

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