Eva Foxwell; Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Eva Foxwell; Educator of the year

December 20, 2016
By gracie.m13 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
gracie.m13 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking into my first business technology class in 6th grade I had no idea how much I would learn in this class throughout middle school. Everything I learned in this class has helped me greatly, and it will continue to help me for the rest of my life. Mrs. Foxwell’s caring, motivating, and hardworking attitude and her ability to go above and beyond for her students has proved to me she is the best candidate for the Educator of the Year award.

Mrs. Foxwell taught us real life business scenarios and skills that she learned when she worked in the business world. Things like time management, actively listening, and being professional were skills Mrs. Foxwell stressed the importance of in her class. Mrs. Foxwell always told us to “be like Nike and just do it”, to manage our time and not procrastinate.

While teaching us the very important skills Mrs. Foxwell always tried to have fun with it. She always made sure we were doing something productive and not just sitting around. We were always able to have fun and learn a lot with The projects and The learning activities Mrs. Foxwell did with us. This made learning and coming to her class something I would look forward to. One of my favorite projects I did in Mrs. Foxwell’s class was in seventh grade when we created our own business.  We came up with a business, and we made a business plan. Then, as a class we had a networking event where we shared our business with parents and teachers.

Being in Mrs. Foxwell’s Business Technology class and her BPA chapter helped be a better public speaker, something I was afraid of before. I became more confident and comfortable talking in front of people. At the end of 8th grade I was able to calmly and professionally give two speeches in front of an auditorium full of people. That is something I would have never been able to do before Mrs.Foxwell’s class.

In eighth grade we created resumes and Mrs.Foxwell interviewed us just like a real job interview. We learned how to pay bills, write checks, and balance checkbooks; these things are very important. These are just a few examples of some of the different things Mrs. Foxwell did with us to prepare us for the future and the business world.

I am extremely grateful for what Mrs. Foxwell has taught me, and it has helped me so much. She has influenced me and all her other students in such positive way. Mrs. Foxwell is an amazing educator and role model and very deserving of the Educator of the Year Award.


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