Mrs. Karen Warner | Teen Ink

Mrs. Karen Warner

December 27, 2016
By Omaichle BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Omaichle BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although in middle school and my first few months high school I have met a lot of amazing teachers, the one teacher that sticks out to me is my eighth grade teacher, Mrs. Warner. Mrs. Warner has a lot of great qualities that anyone would look for in a teacher, or even just a friend. She is very nice, helpful, funny, and overall an amazing teacher. Mrs. Warner is someone that you could talk to about anything. I am so grateful that I had her for a seventh grade social studies teacher and also an eighth grade homeroom, religion, and social studies teacher.

   Everyone needs someone that was easy to talk to, anyone could talk to Mrs. Warner. What I mean by that is she was a teacher that if you had to talk to her about something to do with her class or just anything, it was easy to talk to her about it. She helped us by helping us prepare for high school and what was coming our way for our further years in life. One of the best qualities about Mrs. Warner was that she was funny. She always had jokes or funny stories to tell us about her previous classes or old homerooms that would make the whole class laugh. Our whole class was like a family and we always had fun together in her class.

   In school there was always time to be serious, but there also was time to have fun. In Mrs. Warner’s class she always found a way of teaching that made it more interesting and fun. In religion class, we would do worksheets that taught us more about what we were learning about and helped us prepare for tests and quizzes but in a more interesting way. In social studies class we did some activities and games on the Smartboard, which were fun and also we made packets of worksheets with different activities on the subjects we were learning about to help prepare us for tests and quizzes, which also made some things easier to understand and more fun to learn. Also, in social studies during the first three weeks of the month, we would do something called a stumper. A stumper was when we were asked a question relating to the topics of “this day in history”, a current event, or history. The desks in the classroom were set up in three sections and each section would have one stumper a month; whoever answered the question first, would have to give Mrs. Warner their paper and have it right would get something from Wawa, extra points on a test, or one of the other options. Also, we did bell ringer worksheets where we all would work with a partner and whatever pair had the whole worksheet filled out would ring the bell and read off their answers, and if they were right, they received a prize.

    I went to All Saints Catholic School since the year it opened, fourth grade, and I can definitely say that eighth grade was the best year. Not only for having Mrs. Warner as a teacher but also for being in a class that everyone treated each other as a family. Mrs. Warner’s  whole class, including her, treated each other just as a family does. We got along, joked around with each other, and sometimes made each other angry, but we always stayed as a family in the end.

    As I already said I am so grateful that I had such an amazing last year of middle school thanks to Mrs. Warner and all my classmates. Also I'm honored I had the chance to have Mrs. Warner as a teacher and to get so close with her and my classmates. I have gone back to the school to visit, and it makes me so delighted  to get to talk to and see Mrs. Warner, and I can't wait to go again. All of these traits that Mrs.Warner has makes her a great candidate for the “Educator of the Year” nomination and that is why I am nominating Mrs. Warner for this.

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