Educator of the year - Ms. Doyle | Teen Ink

Educator of the year - Ms. Doyle

December 28, 2016
By kristinarodriguez BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kristinarodriguez BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's my first day of 6th grade. I'm extremely scared and nervous. I dont know where any of my classes are, and I dont see a lot of my friends who I did talked to the year before that. So I'm completely shy and too afraid to ask where do I go. I was then asked what my last name was and was directed to my homeroom teacher who was also my English teacher, Ms.Doyle.
Knowing that I was completely nervous and scared, she comforted me. Ms. Doyle understood what I was feeling. She told me everything was going to be okay, and it was. Because of her when sports were starting, I was able to be volleyball manager for 2 school years. Ms. Doyle was young which is why we kind of related to some situations. She was someone I could actually talk to if I was ever feeling down.
Ms. Doyle was so much fun. We did so many fun activities, yet they still included classwork which I did not mind nor the class of course. Even projects that we were suppose to be done at home were fun to do also. Ms. Doyle was creative. Ms.Doyle always thought outside of the box; she made sure that we should be creative as well. For example, she would give us easy projects. If she saw what she liked in each of ours then she would continue with easy projects which would then give us a easy grade to put in which always led me to an A in her class.
I definitely look up to Ms. Doyle. She was a hardworking person at everything she did. Staying after school almost everyday for either meetings or grading work and also to coach volleyball. She strived for her girls to jump higher, hit harder, and to call louder. She just wanted  them to know how good they actually were and that they could make it far in the future. Win or lose, she was proud of them and encouraged them to work harder next time and to not let a game get to them but to let them see that as " ok i could have done better, next time I will".
In conclusion, you need a Ms. Doyle in your life. It may not be now or later, but you will get one. You'll know when it's somebody you can rely on, who is fun and hardworking. Someone who looks out for you and knows what's in your best interest. I truly miss her, but I will never forget all our good times. She's my nomination for Teen Ink's Educator Of The Year award.

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