Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 2, 2017
By lisahorsky BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
lisahorsky BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year
When I first came to the Delaware Military Academy, I was really nervous about what was going to happen. I was homeschooled all my life before DMA. I was also nervous about the Naval Science class. I ended up really enjoying it, and was excited about having Senior Chief McClain as my teacher.             He made me feel comfortable and excited about going to school, especially a military one. Senior Chief also really encouraged people to apply for a job in our platoon. I think that he can understand people in different ways. He helps make sure that you are doing what you should be doing to be excellent in every way possible.         After I applied for Scribe in my platoon, he gave me and someone else the job so that there are two jobs for the both of us. He also understood that I was stressed about it, and he helped me. He can be funny, and his stories and jokes are really good. It can lighten up the mood in class too. He can tell when someone needs help with something or if someone needs to talk about something that might be bothering them.        A good quality that he has is that he can tell if you have doubts within yourself. If you’re stressed about something he is also someone that is good to talk to. He is easy to talk to, a good listener, and easy to joke around with. He’s also helpful with learning drill, and he’s helpful with any job in a platoon. When I first started being a scribe, I was really doubtful in myself. He really helped me and was uplifting. He is easy to talk to with anything from being drill to talking about working for a good grade.                                                             He understood and helped people when people found out the a classmate had passed away. He could tell I was very upset and offered any help. He is a good teacher that I would say is worthy of the title. He’s understanding, funny, and easygoing. He makes people feel comfortable, and helps people do better in school.   

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