Best Teacher I've ever had | Teen Ink

Best Teacher I've ever had

January 2, 2017
By Colin.T BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
Colin.T BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was my first day at Brandywine Springs 7th grade. I had just come from another school. Centerville School is a school that a lot of other kids didn't know about. I knew no one there I was scared to death. All the teachers introduced me to the class and students, but I was really scared for Mrs. Foxwell’s class. Some of the kids I talked to said she was a tough and strict teacher. Others said she was nice and really outgoing so I really didn't know what to expect.

It was time for Mrs. Foxwell’s class so I followed some students who I knew were going to her class to find her and introduce myself to her. She seemed really nice and out going but I was still really scared. We were about 15 minutes into the class and she pointed out that I was a new student. I went to the front of the class and she asked me some basic questions like how old am I, how I like the school so far, etc. I found her class really fun and educational and she helped me make some new friends.

I started to enjoy coming to her class and her class quickly became one of my favorites. I found her quotes and phrases very inspirational and her teaching skills very useful and definitely helped me prepare for high school. I had some good experiences in her class that I’ll never forget. Her most used quote and her favorite was “just do it”-Nike. She used that quote almost everyday. That quote meant a lot to me because it said no excuses just do it no matter how hard it is, just do it.

At the end of the year we did a business research project. We had to make our own business where we had a budget to follow and strict rules. Then at the end of the year we had to advertise our business to people and see if they liked it. I learned a lot from that project. Throughout my 7th grade career I had a good time in her class and learned a lot. During my 8th grade year I still had great time in her class like most other kids. But I struggled academically in her class that year so I talked to her and she helped me get my grade up higher.

She helped me with my organizational skills. We did an event in her class where we interviewed each other about jobs we studied and worked on it for months. We had the opportunity to be interviewed by big time company interviewers. We had to get dressed up and be confident.  It was very nerve wracking but I did well on it and it helped my self esteem and confidence a lot. All in all I had good times with Mrs. Foxwell and bad times. But  she was a great teacher and great role model. That is why I think Mrs. Foxwell should be the educator of the year.


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