Ms. Dorda | Teen Ink

Ms. Dorda

January 2, 2017
By Mitch.love1007 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Mitch.love1007 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher that made you smile or you couldn't wait to walk into the room which would end up to be the best class? That was my 8th grade English teacher. She was the highlight of my day; she always made English class fun. Everybody has their one favorite teacher, and mine is Ms.Dorda.

Ms. Dorda made my last year in middle school the best year I could have. I feel bad for everyone who didn't go to Conrad and didn't get to have a her as a teacher. I remember one unit in her class was reading movies, now every movie I watch I always look deeper in movies than just watching it. Before last year I never would've thought English would be my favorite class. The first day of school that changed; within the first minute of the class I knew she would be my favorite teacher.

In the future years I hope I can have more teachers like Ms.Dorda; she is the reason why I am ready for high school. She always had stories about her life, and she always found a way to make her class funny and interesting. She told me stories about how her oldest son went to D.M.A and that helped me out so I could see if I would like the school or not. She taught me many things such as how to write essays and not make them boring, how to read movies instead of just watching it, how to read in depth and learn about why the movies made the view dark or the camera is low to the ground to make the person look tall.

I've had many great teachers that excel in certain subjects and made people laugh, but Ms. Dorda was the best with that. Every Monday and Tuesday we had a sports talk and added English into the topic. Every week we also had a game for vocabulary words, we would find an object or a famous person or a famous subject and put them down as the word that would go along with it, these would always help our class on the test by helping us remember the words. I always passed my test in the class and made my vocabulary test grades excel. If I didn’t have her as a teacher I wouldn’t know how to do lots of things.

This is why i nominated Ms. Dorda. Without Ms.Dorda I would never know how to write a good essay, read a movie, use good words. I remember the first day of school I didn't know what to expect, was she was going to be mean or boring? She ended up being the opposite; I had the best time in her class. I think she should be recognized as one of the best teacher out there.  I could go on and on all about how she helped everyone and taught everything, and you would never be bored or want to sleep in her class. I am writing this because I think Ms. Dorda has the best chance of winning this contest because I don't think it is possible to have a better teacher then her.

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