educator of the year Ms.chappel | Teen Ink

educator of the year Ms.chappel

January 2, 2017
By SotoDMA BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
SotoDMA BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher that you can trust and enjoy being in her class ? I know I did; her name was Ms. Chappel.  Ms. Chappel was helpful, respectful, and always positive . Ms. Chappel was the type of teacher to help you after class if you were struggling. I know I asked for help during math class and English whenever I needed it.  Even today in school I wish I could ask her questions about class work when I need assistance.

Throughout Las Americas Aspira middle school math I would sometimes struggle and ask for help; Ms. Chappel would not only help me but help others. She made learning pleasurable and knowledgeable at the same time. We wouldn't  receive a lot of homework, but yet we still understood the class discussions and classwork. One example of her being helpful could be in 8th grade, during the time we were learning about linear equations. I was terrible at solving them until she showed me an easier way to answer them easier. I had never had a more helpful teacher than Ms. Chappel.

Whenever I had a question about school or anything, Ms. Chappel would listen and give me good advice; personally showing respect is critical to be a good teacher. Ms. Chappel would also care about your opinions and thoughts; she would usually say 
“you're entitled to your own opinion”. She also showed care and fairness to all her students. Ms. Chappel would offer students choices instead of being opinionated.  Ms. Chappel has always showed respect to students and the school staff.

During Ms. Chappel’s class we always worked hard, and she always had a positive mindset. Ms. Chappel’s positive mindset carried us through the class even if the class lesson was difficult. Her positive and enthusiastic personality would even make my classmates and I more cheerful . Ms. Chappel was a positive role model; she encouraged us to strive to the best and always try your hardest.  Ms. Chappel was also a great educational role model.

Ms. Chappel is a teacher I trust and enjoy being in her class. She always helped me in class when I struggled. She listened to what I had to say and gave me great advice. Ms. Chappel is a great role model, and her passionate personality made me a better student.  She is my favorite teacher she has a fantastic teaching system. She's my nomination for Teen Ink's educator of the year.



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