Ms. Calderone | Teen Ink

Ms. Calderone

January 11, 2017
By Hazel28 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Hazel28 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was my first day at high school, and like any other teenager, I felt very nervous. I was going to a new school, where I would meet new people and new teachers. I had really bad anxiety, and the thought of going to the Delaware Military Academy just made me a nervous wreck because I knew the school was going to be a bit different and a little more strict than what I was used to. I always wondered what the teachers would be like. I always thought the school would hire very serious, mean, and strict teachers, but I was wrong. I met the best teacher ever, and that teacher was Ms. Calderone.

When I first met Ms. Calderone and she introduced herself, I thought she was a pretty cool teacher. She seemed laid back and really friendly. I heard a lot of things from other cadets saying how she was such a fun and awesome teacher to have, and yes I had to agree. She treated all cadets fairly and would respect us if we respected her back. I remember how she told us if we had any problems in our life we could go to her and talk to her.

As days passed by, I got to know more about Ms. Calderone. I can tell she's very committed to her job and that she understands cadets more than other teachers. She understands why some cadets struggle, and she's always there to help. She's really caring, and she can kind of relate to the students from when she was in school; so she knows how it kind of works. She also wanted us to understand that we shouldn't see her as an ordinary and boring teacher but someone who was different, someone who can be fun and innovative while teaching.


I always look forward to her class all the time. Every time we learn something new, I don't sit around and whine about how boring the lesson is, nor do I get distracted; instead I pay attention in class. I also find it kind of fun since she guides us through all of it which makes it more understandable for me. Ms. Calderone also has a sense of humor; she likes to joke around with the cadets sometimes, and every time she explains something that's funny, she makes the whole class laugh. I love how she's not so strict and motivates not only me but the whole class when learning.


Throughout my whole entire life, I have never met a teacher like Ms. Calderone. She dedicates her time and efforts towards teaching us. She made my freshman year fun and memorable even though it's only been a few weeks. I know that I will remember Ms. Calderone as not only a teacher but someone who I can look up to. She makes the class seem fun, and she teaches in a different and unique way. I'm so excited for next school year when I have her class again, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. Ms. Calderone is not only the best teacher of my year but the best teacher I ever had throughout my whole entire life.

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