Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

May 8, 2017
By jpwrites2017 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
jpwrites2017 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Señorita Psket is a once in a lifetime teacher. She's the type of teacher parents hope their kids have. She is a high school Spanish teacher, and I am lucky to say I've had the opportunity to be in her class for two years. She not the tallest teacher you'll ever have, but she is always packed full of enthusiasm. When I see a teacher that is excited to teach, it immediately makes me excited to learn.

When I walk into class and see Señorita Psket, I can't help but smile. Entering her class is like embarking on a new adventure every day. She helps us dive into the Spanish culture and makes me want to come to class. I can honestly say that Spanish with her is one of the only classes that I truly look forward to each day.

She finds ways to make the class fun. A few months ago, we learned about proverbios (these are different sayings like mas vale tarde que nunca which means better late than never). She held  a competition between her classes to see who could use the most proverbios during class and the winning class would receive churros. In the end, my class used the most proverbios and we got to eat churros during class! This activity kept me engaged and I also was happy that she rewarded us for our efforts.

Another thing Señorita Psket does to make class interesting is what we do on Fridays. Every Friday, we watch an episode from a Spanish series on Netflix called El Internado. She incorporates things we are fascinated in because she knows it will keep our attention.

At Arrowhead, she is the head of Spanish Club and the Spanish Honors Society. She is also the head of the foreign language department. Because of her, I am a member of the Spanish Honors Society which is something not many people can say. I was able to put this on my college applications and to this day it is one of my favorite accomplishments from high school.

She's the type of teacher who always encourages her students to do their best. She is also one of the nicest teachers I have ever had. She sweet, upbeat, and passionate about her job. After enjoying her class for two years, I have decided to minor in Spanish next year in college. Without her, I would not have taken such an interest in Spanish.

Thank you, Señorita Psket, for two years of fun, two years of knowledge, and most importantly, for two years of motivating me to get better each day. I cannot think of a person more deserving of this award.

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