Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 4, 2018
By Anonymous

Math is generally a difficult and frustrating topic. When most students think of a math classroom, they picture frustration and dread. However, when you walk into Ms. Brook’s classroom, the atmosphere is filled with positivity and encouragement. This is why I believe that Patricia Brooks, a calculus teacher at Mount Carmel High School in San Diego, California is an outstanding educator.

Not only is Ms. Brooks a great teacher, but she also manages to make learning math fun. She truly cares about each and every one of her students, and is always available to talk to for advice or help. Ms. Brooks also strongly believes in her students. When a student does not understand a problem, she takes the extra time to go over the topic with them and make sure they feel comfortable with it. Ms. Brooks’s students never feel silly or unintelligent for asking a question, simply because of her warm and comforting personality. She makes an effort to get to know and build a positive relationship with each and every one of her students. She acts as an inspiration and role model for many students, including myself. I have never met another teacher as special as Ms. Brooks who influences their students in such a positive way, and I would be extremely lucky to ever meet one like her again.
All of these qualities contribute to the reason I am extremely honored to be nominating Ms. Brooks for the Educator of the Year Contest because she is an incredible teacher and mentor, and absolutely deserves it.

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