A Teacher Worth Honoring | Teen Ink

A Teacher Worth Honoring

March 5, 2018
By Anonymous

These hardworking individuals educate the American children, and poor countless hours of hard work and dedication into their profession. Not just any individual can educate the public it must be someone will a strong admiration and passion to teach, someone with patience and most importantly a potent bond with children. This is exactly what Patricia Brooks, a calculus teacher at Mount Carmel High School has been doing for the last sixteen years. Within the first day of class a student can tell immediately that Mrs. Brooks is a phenomenal teacher. She is so patient with her students and not to mention extremely kind, this further helps the students build a better relationship with her and to not be afraid to ask questions. In many classes students are terrified to ask questions even if they are confused because they feel as if they are not important or stupid to ask. However, Mrs. Brooks lives by two slogans in her classroom “by asking your question you are being courageous and speaking up for other students who had the same questions but what just too nervous to ask”. She applauds students who ask questions, further helping them to build up their confidence and understand the material they are learning. She also has stated “they day I have made someone feel dumb is they day I have failed at my job”. She has reiterated countless times to the class that she is here to teach and help them understand the material not make them feel incompetent because they do not understand. She tells the class that no question is a dumb question, as students each individual learns at a different pace. Her passion to teach radiates within the room. By a teacher countlessly reminding her class with these two slogans the student gets a feeling of love and support. Mrs. Brooks is like a mother who wants the best for her child and will do anything to help them. Often times, as a fellow student of hers, I had left the class period confused and at the verge of a mental breakdown because the material was to confusing or I could not keep up. However, I ask Mrs. Brooks if it would be ok to come after school and review the material with her. There was never a time that she had said no. She always stayed about an hour after school going through the lesson and homework problems step by step until I got a full understanding of the subject. In addition, what truly proved her dedication was that although she was fully packed and ready to leave at the end of the day with her son who was also a student at Mount Carmel; she made him wait and spent extra time at school to help me. Mrs. Brooks put her personal life on hold and sacrificed her own time which she was not getting paid for to assist her student and make sure they fully understood the material. This extra support proved to be extremely beneficial since that whole trimester I scored extremely high on all my test and ended the class with an A. Finally, Mrs. Brooks truly took her students feelings into consideration. If she saw that her students were worried and stressed out for their upcoming test and not fully prepared or comprehended the material, for the best interest of the class she would reschedule the test to a more appropriate day. With the extra time, she provided the students with more practice problems and review material. Mrs. Brooks is a teacher who one can tells enjoys teaching and is fervent to help children learn about math.  She has both a high passing rate at Mount Carmel and also on the AP exam, this is due to her exceptional teaching skills and dedication for her students. Not to mention, her constant positive attitude in class, she is by far one of the best educators at Mount Carmel High School.

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