My 2018 Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

My 2018 Educator of the Year

March 6, 2018
By Anonymous

Councilors help in many ways in the high schools, however Ms. Dena Tracanna truly goes above and beyond. When someone is feeling overwhelmed, down, or even confused about school, her door is always open and ready to help. High School can be a very troubling time for many adolescents, but to have a councilor that you can turn to when in need of guidance or help is extremely helpful. Ms. Tracanna makes an effort to get to know every single student, even if they she is not their councilor. When I was in sixth grade I met her because of my sister, and when transitioning to high school, after 3 years, she still remembered me. Having talked to multiple people across the campus of Mount Carmel High School, we all agree that she is one of the best councilors in the district. This year I was really struggling due to a family death. In my time of need it was Ms. Tracanna who regularly checked in on me to make sure I was doing all right. She goes out of her way to try to make an accepting environment. She devotes her time and effort to be the best she can be. Even if you are not struggling or in need of advice, you can go to her to just have a conversation. There have been multiple times when I have just walked into her room and started talking about nothing related to school. On top of all of this she offers you Smarties when you walk in her room, this creates a safe environment for all the new people walking into her classroom every single day. Ms. Tracanna deserves to be the educator of the year because of her dedication to her job and the people around her. Having Ms. Tracanna allows for our school to continue to thrive as an accepting and safe environment.

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