Dear Mr.Stei- Mr. Karpenski | Teen Ink

Dear Mr.Stei- Mr. Karpenski

February 27, 2018
By RoarinRaida27 BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
RoarinRaida27 BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You inspired me in a lot of ways, in particular by teaching me to use my school time wisely. I never worked on my assignments in class, but you moved me away to another table and told me I really finished nothing in class. But tomorrow, I edited my DBQ constantly the whole period. When you revised my work you said, “This is actually really good. Good job”. I also stopped procrastinating. Completed my work on time, for all classes; not just yours.

I admire you for your vast knowledge of your random factoids and the material at hand. You teach all core classes too. It seems like you completely mastered the content and know the answers to all questions. I also admire the way you incorporate humor in the powerpoint or lecture. I never take notes in your class because the way you present material grabs me into listening to the lecture and what you say about it.

I appreciate taking part in your Science and Social Studies both taught by you. My other teachers sort of bore me, but I look forward to your classes. I also appreciate when you helped me in I Have Spoken. You helped me break away from my introverted cocoon and give a speech about animals or genetics in front of a class. You gave me the freedom to talk about whatever I want. You gave me a lot to appreciate beside this.

The author's comments:

A teacher.

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