Kevin Howie, Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Kevin Howie, Educator of the Year

June 4, 2018
By maddijones0603 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
maddijones0603 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher that had a huge impact on your life? Someone you will remember forever, no matter how long ago they taught you? I know a teacher that has made a great impact on my life. That teacher is Master Sgt. Kevin Howie. Msgt. Howie is who you think of when you hear the words Educator of the Year because of his background, personality, and teaching strategies.


Msgt. Howie is a Naval Science Instructor at the Delaware Military Academy. He is a Marine, and there is not another person like him. Msgt. Howie is not just a role model for me but for everyone. I have known Msgt. Howie for almost only a year, and he has changed my life so much. He has two children and a wife;he teaches his children everything they need to know in their lives. Msgt. Howie has also taught all his cadets at the Delaware Military Academy valuable life lessons.  


Msgt. Howie has an amazing personality like no other. A smile comes to your face anytime you see Master Sgt. because there is something about him that makes you happy. He can always tell when something is wrong by the expressions on your face. Master Sgt. is very observant. He knows what is happening when he sees a group of friends huddled together or when one is eating alone. Master Sgt. Howie is very nice, but he will push you to do your best and more. I had Master Sgt. for boot camp, and it was non-stop physical activity. When he saw a cadet not trying their hardest, we had to keep going until we all put in 100%. Most people don’t expect Msgt. to be fun, but he is the funnest teacher I have ever met. All class long he is telling us jokes and stories. There is not a time when any one of his students aren’t laughing.

The way Master Sgt. teaches is very unique. He teaches us new things in many different ways. We might learn our lessons by slideshows, by taking notes, or by doing what we are actually taught. One day in class, we practiced carrying each other on stretchers; it was a really fun experience! No matter what way he teaches us, it is always fun even if that meant writing fifty-four key terms for homework. I have learned so much from Msgt. Howie; he will always be there for me when I need him. He can help anyone with anything and give anyone wonderful advice.

Master Sgt. Howie is who I think of when someone asks me who my favorite teacher is. Some other teachers may come to mind, but I will remember Msgt. Howie the most because he is such a great role model and teacher. He has an amazing and interesting background, a unique personality, and great teaching strategies. Msgt. Howie puts a smile on my face everyday. I nominate Master Sgt. Kevin Howie for Educator of the Year.

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