EOY | Teen Ink


June 5, 2018
By Anonymous

Senior chief McClain is a perfect role model in not only my life but many others. He served in the Navy, and has now become a great teacher. After he retired from the military, he became a naval science instructor here at the Delaware Military Academy. Senior Chief McClain is a really funny guy; he knows how to turn our gloomy days by brightening up the day with a funny joke or story. He loves making us laugh and loves to see us happy.


Senior Chief McClain tells us funny stories that he has witnessed while in the Navy. Personally, one of my favorites is when one of his buddies thought it would be smart to walk in the mud on the way to inspection in a all white uniform. The guy shows up to inspection and realizes he is covered in mud, so someone gave him white out to cover the spots, but that didn’t work out too well; he was covered in different colored white spots and failed inspection.


I look forward to his class mostly everyday; I enjoy drilling with him, and the best is PT Fridays when he plays basketball with us. The other reason is because he never fails to put a smile on a cadet’s face when they are looking down or not having a good day. He isn’t only a jokester; he is also there when you need him. He tells everyone that if they are having trouble with something then they should come to him. He shows a lot of leadership and kindness to others.


I have naval science the first period of the day. I love having this class first because it starts my day great with jokes here and there, makes me smile, and I’m not tired or miserable throughout the day. I am so glad to have a teacher, and role model like Senior Chief McClain throughout my freshman year. I know I can always count on him to set good examples and help through any struggles I have here at the Delaware Military Academy.

Therefore, I would like you to consider my nomination for Senior chief McClain for Educator of the Year. Due to him being a leader, always putting forward a positive attitude, and being a great role model in not only my life but many others.

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