Mrs. Bin-Yusif | Teen Ink

Mrs. Bin-Yusif

June 5, 2018
By evanfal BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
evanfal BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had the teacher you will never forget, the teacher whose class you loved, or the teacher who was so kind and caring? If not, then you need to get to know the wonderful Mrs. Bin-Yusif who is all that and more. She is a true leader, a great role model to follow and an even better teacher. I had her throughout my entire middle school career and she has taught me so much, not just academics but important life lessons. I believe she is one of the best teachers and citizens to nominate for this award.

One of the best things Mrs. Bin-Yusif was good at was always trying to get us to challenge ourselves to become better. Whether it be academically or mentally Mrs. Bin-Yusif was always helping us along the way to become better people. You could talk to her about any problem you had and she would work with you to think of a solution. You would then solve it yourself which gave you a major self confidence boost and helped you be able to work to solve your own problems. I remember my 8th grade year I struggled with English. I talked with her to think of a solution to solve it, and she left me on my own. I got better at helping myself and didn’t struggle with English for the rest of the year.

Whenever Mrs. Bin-Yusif wasn’t teaching, she was giving back to her community. Mrs. Bin-Yusif was one of the only teachers that I knew at Gauger Cobbs that taught the students how to give back to the community, and she was great at it. She was always planning fun outings or leading the NJHS or just doing some community service; she was always leading us right behind her. She didn’t just make us do community service, she made it interesting and made us want to give back to the community more. She was the leader of our NJHS group and was the best one I had; always giving us fun and new ideas for us to lead and participate in or showing us that service can be fun.

One of the best things about having Mrs. Bin-Yusif was that she made learning fun and interesting. The one thing that I loved about Mrs. Bin-Yusif was she made me love learning whether it was social studies or math, and everyone hates math. I remember how in one of her classes called talent development, she would show us movies. She would find a way to loop the movie into a serious subject like how Annie showed the effects of the great depression. I would always love going to her class and it would be the highlight of my day. Every day I would always come home with something new that I learned.

These are the reasons I think Mrs. Bin-Yusif is the best teacher to nominate for Educator of the Year. She didn’t just give me an education, she gave me life lessons that I can look back on. I know without a doubt Mrs. Bin-Yusif will always be the best teacher I have had, and someone I can come to with advice on life.

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