Msgt. Howie - Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Msgt. Howie - Educator of the Year

June 5, 2018
By Brandon_morales BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Brandon_morales BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever been taught by a Marine? Here, at the Delaware Military Academy, we have 2 of them. One of the 2 just so happens to be my favorite, Msgt.Howie; he teaches Naval Science. Msgt.Howie isn’t just an instructor, he is a father, marine, Husband and most importantly—Acquaintances.

One reason why he is so good is because he expects the best out of us. When we say we can’t continue running, he tells us that we can and, we do. He pushes our bodies every Friday physically and every day mentally; the only reason why he does this is so we can improve ourselves. Lastly, when he hears us complain, he reminds us every situation could be worse than it already is;  his method was very effective with the cold winter we had.

Another reason why he is so good is because he disciplines us and puts everyone to the same standards, regardless of race, sex, gender, ethnicity. Holding us all to the same standard is taken seriously; for example, when one person messes up, we all mess up and are all held accountable for one's actions. You may be thinking that he pushes us till we drop; even though he would love to do that, luckily—he can’t. He knows when our bodies must stop, and if we do end up dropping, he is properly trained to respond in most medical emergencies

My last main reason is that he is a man of his country and God. He embodies the American values and is a man of his faith and uses this in his daily life. Even though he strictly believes in his religion, he still respects others’ religion and their values; with this open mindedness he sufficiently and exceedingly follows out his orders for the day and teaches us the values of our military, that is why I think and know he should be the Educator of the Year.

In conclusion Msgt.Howie is a great teacher and instructor, and he deserves to be awarded with “Educator of the Year” because he is devoted to his God and country with high discipline and he treats others with great respect.

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