Ms. Berlant | Teen Ink

Ms. Berlant

June 5, 2018
By Ayalajenny01 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Ayalajenny01 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever just felt like you can identify with your teacher? I have this year; I had the opportunity to meet a wonderful educator. Unfortunately this was her last year in my school. She will be going after her dreams. Even though I am sad I’m not going to see her anymore. I am happy for her. She inspires me to be a great person! She makes me want to challenge myself and go after my dreams too. She always taught me that no matter what happens, I can be who I want.

She is a teacher anyone would love to have! I feel lucky I had her as a teacher. What I really like about her is that she is always happy; she makes things better when they aren’t. She never loses her smile. She could be really sick and even unable to speak, but she always has a smile. Her bright smile can make you feel like everything is okay. I can describe her using only one word and that is “WARRIER”.


    Ms. Berlant never gave me a feeling of fear of asking anything. Every time I had a question, I felt like I could ask her anything. I could tell her if I didn’t understand something; she would sit down and explain what I didn’t understand. She didn’t seem to get frustrated when I asked. I have had teachers that made me scared to ask something because they would say or think I was not paying attention. That is why I really appreciate her.


     She teaches Spanish 2 and apparently a lot of cadets think it’s hard and boring. Ms. Berlant changed it up, and she found the right way to make it fun and interesting for everyone. There isn’t much work out of the book mostly lessons she made fun. She was very creative, for everything she taught us she created a game to go along with it. I wish I could find the perfect words to tell you how great she is. She is much better than what I have said, but I feel as if the perfect words to tell you how great she is don’t exist. She is such a great inspiration. She’s the special kind of person you don’t meet often she is one in a million. 


I have to say that she is a positive person. A person with her talent can change many lives. She is a very joyful person, and I think if you got to meet her, you would have the same opinion as I do. With this I conclude and say that for these reasons I nominate Ms. Berlant, teacher at the Delaware Military Academy for 2019 Educator of the Year. She deserves this nomination from one of her students who really appreciates her.

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