Senior Chief McClain | Teen Ink

Senior Chief McClain

June 5, 2018
By LButler BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
LButler BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you heard of Senior Chief Petty Officer McClain? He is a Naval Science instructor at DMA. He is currently making cadet lives more informed and better for their four years of high school. This is why I am nominating Senior Chief for Educator of the Year.


First some background, he served in the U.S Navy. Then afterwards he joined the Delaware Military Academy team to help instruct young minds during their high school years. Senior chief is always telling funny stories that happened to him or someone he knew while serving. His knowledge on the subjects he teaches helps to enforce the way it will stick with us for the rest of our lives. The combination of his knowledge, experience, and his skill make him a perfect instructor for the newer cadets making their journey through high school.


In class senior chief is always making class more enjoyable for everyone. When we have to do a boring lesson in class, he always finds a way to make it more interesting. One way is telling stories about what happened in the field. This helps drive home the lesson teaching us what we should and shouldn't do but why as well. The jokes and tales help to boost the morale in the room any Monday or other day we are all feeling down and dreary. Because of the way he teaches, the lessons we have learned will stick. Even if the material doesn't stick for one person, he always finds a way to help make sure you can understand.


Whether we are in the classroom or doing PT, he leaves no one behind. If you’re struggling with a pt exercise, he will help out by assigning a buddy to help you. In the classroom he slows down lessons if someone is not able to understand it as fast. He supports all cadets helping to remind us about promotions and earning ribbons. He always passes community service opportunities out as soon as he gets them. This all in total helps us all to strive and achieve our goals, or at least put us on the right path to do so. He is there whenever you need him whether something is going on or you just need someone to talk to.

All in all Senior Chief is one of if not the best instructors in your first year at DMA. Making the lives of the cadets that attend here shine during and even after they have him. This is why I am nominating Senior Chief McClain for Educator of the Year because of all he has done for me and what he will do for the future cadets as well.

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