Mrs. Nancy Rosaio | Teen Ink

Mrs. Nancy Rosaio

June 5, 2018
By CovielloN BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
CovielloN BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Can you think of time when you had a teacher in high school that you loved? Did you ever just want to stay in their class all day? Some teachers can relate to their students so well, that you feel like you have known them your whole life! If you have had a teacher like this, you will understand why I have nominated Mrs. Rosaio.

Mrs. Rosaio is a Biology/science teacher at The Delaware Military Academy. This is her first year teaching at DMA, and I think that she is doing an amazing job. She previously taught at Skyline Middle School as a science teacher as well. At Skyline Middle School, Mrs. Rosaio taught science summer camps that were extended to any kids that were interested. She is now teaching us cadets in science class making it as fun as she can everyday.

Mrs. Rosaio would always make learning seem easy even if it was difficult. Most importantly, she would make class fun and interesting everyday. Anytime that you needed help, she would always explain it in a way that would help you understand it better. Mrs. Rosaio has a way of teaching that is so easy to understand. When she teaches, there's a warm and welcoming presence in the room. She made science class the best part of my day. I was always so excited to learn science everyday.

Anytime you would see Mrs. Rosaio, she is always happy. She taught us that a simple smile goes a long way. Or even a simple “good morning” can make a teacher’s day. Mrs. Rosaio would show us videos on the lessons that we were learning at the time to reinforce the material. Everytime the video was playing and people were talking, she would say the same thing; “you know what’s worse than someone talking during a movie?” After a week everyone knew the answer: “nothing!” Mrs. Rosaio is one of my favorite teachers because of her smile and happiness that she shares with her students everyday.

In conclusion, Mrs. Rosaio has been such a wonderful teacher to have. I love how she not only teaches her students the material but she shows us how to apply it to our everyday lives when needed. Due to all these reasons and information about Mrs. Rosaio, this has lead me to nominate her as Educator of the Year.

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