Ms.Brady | Teen Ink


June 5, 2018
By abfvolleyball BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
abfvolleyball BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From the first day I met Ms. Brady, I knew she would be a great teacher. She was very outgoing, and she wanted to get to know each student. Ms. Brady was very understanding and helpful. She also wanted to help all her students to the best of her abilities. Her determination proved her best assets. Last, she is always so positive and nice to everyone. These qualities that Ms. Brady holds, are a great example of what an excellent teacher should be like and how she is a great example for others.
Ms. Brady is hardworking. From pushing each student to do their best to running the Best Buddies program, she always puts her best effort forward. Ms. Brady helps her students whenever they need it. If a student got something wrong on a test, she would not only tell them the answer; she would also help them understand why the right answer was right. Ms. Brady was not only busy helping students, but she was also busy planning lessons and Best Buddies meetings. She not only planned lessons, but Ms. Brady had to grade papers and tests. All teachers know grading can take time and can be difficult sometimes. Even though she was faced with this part of her job, she always worked hard to get her students’ papers and tests graded and into hac as soon as possible. Ms. Brady always was working very hard no matter what job she was working on.
Like all teachers, Ms. Brady is helpful, but she is not only helpful with English work; she has also help with people’s personal problems. Ms. Brady was also very understanding. In eighth grade I was having trouble in math. I was very upset, and I began to doubt myself in English as well as math. I talked to her about how I felt and my problem. Ms. Brady helped me through it. She gave me more confidence in my writing and in English, and also in my life, and about myself. Ms. Brady has made such impact in my life and my English work. She was understanding through it all and listened the whole time. She also helped many other students that had problems. Even during class, she is understanding and helpful. She wants everyone to answer a question in the class even if someone didn’t know the answer. She also stops and explains something if someone has a question. She is fair and lets everyone read out of the textbook, not always the same people. Sometimes I had a question in class, and I wanted to ask her after class; she would be understanding and would answer my question after class. Ms. Brady was always a very helpful and understanding teacher and person.

Ms. Brady is one of the nicest teachers you will meet. No matter if you’re having a bad day, or she was, she was always nice to everyone. She is also very supportive of all her students. Sometimes I would be having a not so great day, and she would be very nice and supportive of me. A lot of students liked Ms. Brady because she was so nice and supportive of them. She always encouraged them to work hard. If some students needed help, she would let them come up to lunch. Even if students didn’t need help and they wanted to talk, she was nice to them, and she enjoyed their company.
Ms. Brady has made an impact on my life not only as a teacher but also as a person. She is such a great example for students and teachers. Her hardworking effort shows students and teachers how they should work while at school and the attitude they should have. Ms. Brady’s understanding and helpful qualities show teachers and students to be helpful and understanding to everyone no matter what. Lastly, her respectful and nice qualities show not only me but both students and teachers to respect everyone and be nice. These qualities that Ms. Brady possesses show she is not only a great person and teacher, but a great example for students and teachers. Because of these qualities, Ms. Brady is well known, respected, and loved. Every school needs a Ms. Brady! For these reasons and more, I nominate Ms. Sarah Brady for the Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year.

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