Mr. Myers | Teen Ink

Mr. Myers

June 5, 2018
By Colin5 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Colin5 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Think of the greatest substitute teacher you have ever had. Mr. Myers is definitely my favorite substitute teacher. He has amazing stories, tells funny jokes, has traveled across the world, and is an all around a good person. The reason I’m nominating him is because I have known him for as long as I could remember. I went to school with his brother, and he has definitely helped me academically.

Elementary through middle school, Mr. Myers went to St. John the Beloved. He went there from K-8 and graduated leading up to his high school career attending St. Mark’s High School. He has 5 other siblings, 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I went to school with his youngest brother since kindergarten. His mom ran the lunch program and ran the after-care program. This is how we grew so close over the years. He is very educated and speaks many languages. While he taught at Odyssey Charter, he was the coach of the soccer team. He said that that is the only sport he’s good at.

Mr. Myers started his teaching career at St. John the Beloved teaching 3rd grade. He then moved to California to teach and then to Russia. Not long after he returned to the USA and began looking for a job. With us being so close my mom sent him the letter about substituting for freshmen math at the Delaware Military Academy. For the second and third marking periods, he taught our Algebra 1 class. That was the first time I had him as a teacher. He did an amazing job, and from what I know most people liked him. He always had an interesting way of teaching a lesson or explaining the homework. Sometimes it was complicated, but he got the job done.

In class, Mr. Myers showed us some of his Call of Duty videos. He was pretty good at it and had some pretty good shots. He also told the best stories. There was one of him in high school, in the cafeteria and he and his friends were throwing objects to get stuck on the ceiling. In the moment, he took a slice of pizza, and he threw it to the top of the ceiling; it stayed for a couple seconds. Another story was when he was teaching in Russia and the smartboard wasn’t working. Mr. Myers isn’t big on technology when it comes to teaching, so he ripped the smartboard off the wall and put it in the closet. Instead he used the white board that was behind it. He has many other stories that I sadly cannot remember. They were all funny and always made our class laugh.

Not only has Mr. Myers traveled the world but he has also made it into our lives. He has been a good teacher to us and at many other schools. I am sure that I am not the only one who misses him as a teacher. This is why I have nominated Mr. Myers for the Educator of the Year award.

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