Mom Away from Home | Teen Ink

Mom Away from Home

June 5, 2018
By Lagunas BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Lagunas BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many people in your life right? Well there is always that one person in your educational career that you will never forget because that person might have said something that you will never forget, or maybe that one person always pushed you to do your best. No matter what reason, there is always that one person in your life that you will never forget from your educational career. For that very reason I would love to nominate my eighth grade teacher from Skyline Middle School in Delaware, Mrs. Simon, because she is the best teacher that I ever had in my life. She is like a mentor to me; she inspires me to do my best in life no matter what the world has to throw at me. She has made a huge impact on my life and changed my point of view in a positive manner on many things. I will always remember her as one of the most important people in life; she’s definitely is like a mother away from home to me, and I’m positive that other students will agree with me because she always cares for her students. She cares for students that need help and that she might not even have a class with,  but she will always help people that need it. Mrs. Simon is very thoughtful of the people around her, and she always gives advice to people that ask her for it.

Mrs. Simon has always felt like a mother me to because of how caring she is towards everyone. In general, she  is just very caring, loving, happy, helpful, and humorous. She is always looking for the good in people and is very cheerful. You can feel her energy; whenever she comes in the room, everything feels so happy. I also love her voice because it soothes me for some reason and makes me feel safe. Her style is also so great, and it really matches her personality and character; she wears some bold statement jewelry, and the bright colors of her clothes match her colorful personality and person.

She also helped me to look at different high schools and what they were about. She is the one who first told me about the Delaware Military Academy. I thank her so much for telling me about DMA because I am attending it  right now, and I totally love it. It’s the best decision that I have made so far in my life. I am so happy at the place I am with my life right now. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know where I would be right now and what kind of friends I would have. She helped me in my high school application process a lot by reviewing stuff that I had to turn in and make sure that it was well punctuated and used proper grammar because she is also an English teacher as well as an AVID teacher at Skyline. She would always help me and everyone who did not completely understand something that she had taught or said to the class. She would stay after school to help students who were struggling academically because she wanted the best out of everyone and wanted to see others succeed. For example, one time in 8th grade I won the student of the month, and I didn’t have a ride to go to this place that I had to go to, so I told her and she offered to take some time out of her school morning to take me and to receive that award, for that I am always thankful also.

I also looked forward to going to school because she was my first class of the day in the mornings, so everyday after that class I would always be in such a great mood for the rest of the day. She doesn’t always talk about academic stuff because she would always tell us some of her life experiences if it relates to what we are supposed to be learning, and then she would teach us the material afterwards to keep class entertaining and not boring like how some of the teachers make it. Mrs. Simon is knowledgeable and wise. She would tell us quotes that she remembered or just have them posted up in her classroom, and I would like to hear or read them and then for some reason they would always stick with me, and now everytime I think about those quotes, I will always remember Mrs. Simon and how cheerful she was. Another one of the many reasons why I love her is because everytime I needed to talk to someone, she was always there, and she would just sit and listen to me or anyone that needed to be heard.

I nominated Mrs. Simon because she is a mother figure to me and a lot of other people in her life. She is an amazing person, and it was such a blessing to have her in my life. She always helps students that need help academically or on anything that's school related or not. Her energy is so positive that she literally brightens up any room she walks in by her humor, personality, and her style. Her happiness and optimism; you could be so mad, and then, the next minute you could be all happy because you just talked to her. For these and many other reasons I nominated Mrs. Simon as the Educator of the Year. I truly believe she deserves it because she really is an amazing person.

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