Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

June 5, 2018
By JLILLIE1023 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
JLILLIE1023 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out of all my teachers Mrs. Wood has stood out the most. Mrs. Wood immediately came to mind when I was thinking of someone to nominate. Mrs. Wood is an eighth grade science teacher at Brandywine Springs School. Mrs. Wood was always happy and positive. She made me like science more by the way she taught, she would help anyone who needed it until they understood what was happening, and she also cared about the environment and the school.

 Mrs. Woods style of teaching was positive; anything we did she made it interesting and fun. Mrs. Wood would take breaks during class to help any one who was not understanding the lesson. I liked the way Mrs. Wood would teach. She would use different methods to teach the lesson. Because she realize not everyone learned to same way. Mrs.  Wood made sure that everyone understood before moving on to the next thing.


Mrs. Wood was very involved. She had us do a water conservation project. It was a project on how we should save water. The project that we made was really good, so we were able to present it to the Philadelphia zoo. Sadly, I wasn't able to go on the trip because of sports. Mrs. Wood was really passionate about the project though. She took it really seriously but still made it fun in her own way.  There was also a night at school that people were able to come and learn about the project. A lot of people came and enjoyed it. She also educated more people about the situation while they were there. She made other things fun and simple too.


Mrs. Wood made science simple and fun. Most of things she did were understandable and fun. Mrs. Wood made her labs fun and interesting. She made learning simple. I understood almost everything that she taught. We would get off topic sometimes, but Mrs. Wood found a way to bring it back with something interesting that related to the lesson. She also taught with enthusiasm. She was always positive while teaching. She would teach with a smile on her face and never be upset. She was very dedicated to her work and job.


 Mrs. Wood rarely missed a day of school. I only remember one time she missed school because she had to teach a class down in Dover, DE. She was dedicated to what she did. She was determined to make you learn. Even if you didn't want to learn that day, somehow she would make you learn and be happy.  

    I think Mrs. Wood deserves the Educator of the Year award. She is a positive and energetic  teacher. She was helpful and fun. Mrs. Wood is dedicated and nice. She also helps out the community and does community service. For these reasons I think she should get the award for Educator of the Year.


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