Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

June 5, 2018
By thomas456 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
thomas456 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Walker is a good teacher, but he is also a good guy. He is the type of teacher that you can talk to when you’re mad or upset, and he will listen to you and help you out. He isn’t only my teacher, he is my lacrosse coach, so he is into the same sports as I am.

Mr. Walker was the teacher who made my freshman year a little bit easier by not being so hard on me and everyone else in his class. He is laid back but is not gonna let you slack off in his class. At one point my grades were starting to fall behind, and he went out of his way to call home and make sure everything was ok. He always stayed after school and gave me extra help.

Mr. Walker takes on a lot of responsibility because he teaches and is a coach. Somehow as busy as he is he still manages to always be in a good mood. If one day you’re not in a good mood, he will know and won’t try to get on your nerves. He will let you be and ask you what’s wrong one-on-one and find out what’s going on. If you’re in the hallway and you see him, he gives you a look and you just know he is watching out for you.

One thing that stands out in my mind, and makes Mr. Walker different from all my other teachers is he knows what’s going on in my other classes. He will talk to me about what I need to make sure I am successful in those classes too. An example of this is my Naval Science instructor told me I needed a haircut. He volunteered to do it himself because he cares about his students and wants them to succeed.

If I didn’t have Mr. Walker as my teacher, my freshman year experience would have been so much different. I am glad to have met him, and I look forward to the rest of my high school career knowing he will be there helping me along the way. He’s my nomination for educator of the year.  

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