Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

June 5, 2018
By izzylomascolo BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
izzylomascolo BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During 6th and 7th grade, I wasn’t very close with any of my teachers. With her it was different. I heard so many good things about Mrs. Simon before going into 8th grade. The first day I could tell they were all true. She was my AVID teacher. She made sure to get to know every single student in her classes. It was one of the best things about her. I remember looking forward to her class every single day. She made me feel welcomed, and she made me actually want to go to school.

AVID is a program that prepares you for highschool and college. Mrs. Simon was able to go beyond that. She is amazing at teaching you the things you needed to know or want to learn. She is very enthusiastic and always excited to teach us new things or do an activity that involves everyone working together. In my class, Mrs. Simon made sure by the end of the school year, everyone was friends.

I can say that Mrs. Simon and I were very close. She was able to put a smile on my face every day and was always happy to see me. When I was absent one day, the next day she would ask me if everything was okay. I felt like I could talk to her about anything that was on my mind, and she would actually listen and give me advice. She went through some stuff and some days would come to school upset or in a bad mood. I would always ask her how things are and do my best to find some way of brightening her day. She went out of school for quite awhile, and I’ve never missed a teacher more. She came by surprise to our 8th grade graduation, and when I saw her, I freaked out and started crying because I hadn’t seen her in so long. It made me so emotional.

She has a giant heart that is always open to anyone who needs it. She does not care what situation you are in, who you are, or whatever it might be. She will make a goal to help you in any way possible and to help you be successful. Mrs. Simon was the first teacher that came to my mind when I thought of an educator who I loved. When I had to write details about her, so many things came to my mind, and so many things she has done for me came to my mind too.

I think Mrs. Simon deserves the Educator of the Year award because she is such an inspiring woman and teacher. She goes to the fullest in everything she does. She learns every little thing about someone and remembers it all. She makes all of her students feel special in their own ways. She is an excellent teacher and is very nice. She was like one of my friends because she seemed so much like it. For all these reasons and more, she is my nomination for TeenInk’s Educator of the Year.

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I go to DMA

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