Master Sergeant Howie | Teen Ink

Master Sergeant Howie

June 5, 2018
By marandolajulie BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
marandolajulie BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did you know that Marines are amazing role models, leaders, and teachers? If you didn’t, you do now. My teacher Master Sergeant Howie, was a Marine, and he is now a Naval Science Instructor at the Delaware Military Academy. Master Sgt. Howie is such an inspirational teacher and is the person you would think of to be the Educator of the Year. He is the best teacher because he helps, encourages, and cares about us.

Master Sergeant Howie used to be a Marine. Since he has experienced many things, he shares a lot of his past stories. He always keeps the class interesting. Some days we drill, and some days we stay in the classroom. He tells us that it is important to set goals in order for us to improve. There is never a time when we aren’t learning something. He teaches us how to control ourselves and others in real life situations or times of panic. We learn how to never leave anyone behind, and also how to care for them if injured. Lastly, he helps us see both sides of an argument.

Another amazing thing about Master Sergeant Howie is that he cares a lot about us. For example, if someone has their head down, or looks very tired, he asks “are you okay?” He is always checking up on someone. In addition, we learn how to defend ourselves. We sometimes have classes mainly on how to get out of a headlock and how to protect ourselves. He helps many people with all different types of things, but helps in different kinds of ways. Another way he cares is by assisting us. He does this when we don’t correctly represent ourselves and when something looks bad. He only ever tries to help our future and us out.

Lastly, Master Sergeant Howie never gives up on anyone. He pushes us all to our limits, and has high expectations for us. He never quits nor lets us, and never stops us from practicing. We never move on unless everyone understands. Also, we could never get enough of drilling. He has us do things until it looks “perfect”. Master Sergeant Howie is always helping someone.

Master Sgt. Howie is more than a teacher. He is a role model for me and many others. He has also inspired multiple others. He teaches his cadets to be leaders and to always represent ourselves proudly. He displays to us that we can achieve our goals if we work hard enough. For these reasons and more, I chose Master Sergeant Howie for the Educator of the Year.

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