Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

June 6, 2018
By myaaustin BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
myaaustin BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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As a freshman, going into high school can be quite scary. It can have many ups and downs in the beginning. It can be hard meeting new friends, and teachers while adapting to an entire new setting everyday. Practically starting over. I was very nervous the first few days of school, but that changed fast after meeting my naval science instructor Master Sergeant Howie. He was welcoming and made me feel part of the Seahawk family right when I entered his classroom the first day along with many other students. He was funny and loud but also showed a caring side that if we needed him at any point he would be there, and he still is today in the home stretch of my freshman year. Therefore, Master Sergeant Howie, a member of the Marine Corps and a man who served our country. Now a naval science instructor teaching a variety of lessons to carry with us throughout life deserves this award. Positivity and being there for us is one thing MSGT always is. No matter the day, or what happens, he always has a smile on his face. Making others laugh, while making sure everyone is okay. As MSGT always says to us “it’s just a uniform”. By this he means just because he wears a uniform everyday, doesn’t mean he can’t understand our problems and troubles we face. If he thinks something is wrong, he will come up to students simply asking if anything is on their mind. Due to this, everyone knows they can go to him if there are ever any problems. Along with always having someone to turn to and looking out for us, MSGT has a positive outlook on absolutely everything we do in class. Even if he is mad, he stays calm and positive. He also never lets what happened prior in the day affect his mentality on the rest of the day. With him being that way, it puts myself and other students in a happier mood and it is always a good time in that class. Lessons are one of the most important things to learn in life along with stories behind them. In naval science this is one of our classes biggest topics of conversation. MSGT Howie always has a good story that engages the entire class, and in the end everyone is laughing and putting in their thoughts. But, after the stories and the laughs we all walk away with a new lesson to help us later on in life and carry with us, which is not what many people can do with a room full of 15 year olds with them actually paying attention. Naval science is definitely my favorite class of the day; I look forward to it knowing we always have a fun time hearing new stories, learning helpful things, all while being with my friends. If I’m having a bad day, this class automatically helps and just puts me in a better mood. We have good times where we get a break while laughing and walking around outside with out friends, but then we all know the times to be serious. Also, everything we learn has a purpose. Such as first aid, or military things that teach a new level of responsibility, discipline, and in all making us a better person. Motivation is one the biggest things high school students have trouble with. I have the tendency to doubt myself in many things, but MSGT doesn’t let that happen. Such as PT days, drill, schoolwork, and even sports. He pushes us to our limits and knows when we can do better. MSGT Howie has never given up on any of us no matter the attitude someone had towards what we were doing or the situation. For example, during drill one day stepping in for the platoon leader I kept messing up, and at that point I wanted to just walk away and give up, but MSGT pulled me aside and explained that giving up will make it no better and that you will be more frustrated in the end, and he believed that I could do it. I know he has helped many students multiple times by never letting anyone give up; he always strives to make us better one day at a time and this has helped me and others already become a better person. Therefore, MSGT has done countless things to help better myself and others in endless ways. Such as my entire outlook on life and situations I encounter with ways to handle them and how to react, to have a positive outlook no matter the issue, and to push myself to do better because it will only show good in the end. I do not believe my freshman year would have been this easy if I did not have MSGT Howie as my NSI. He has taught me many things to carry with me throughout the next four years of high school and further on in life. MSGT is truly the definition of an Educator of the Year.

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Educator of the Year

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