EOY | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By shavico BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
shavico BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ms. Scott is what being a great teacher is all about. She is always there for her students; if a student is acting up, she takes him/her outside, and they come back better than before. She always explained her lessons thoroughly, and she was always on point with her topics.

Ever since I had Ms. Scott I've never felt more encouraged. She always told me to “kill it in high school”, and I've always felt obligated to do so for her.

Ms. Scott is one of the most real teachers I ever had. She she never hid her feelings and although she would get upset or mad, she never took it out on the class. If she ever had a bad mood or was sad, she would sit in the back and give us work to help us on what we are working on. The work she gave us was never busy work, but it was very useful work.

Ms. Scott had a very fun personality. She was one of the most loving, caring, and reasonable teachers I've ever had. She showed me what it was like to have teacher care for a student. She never was the one for kids to act a fool in her class. She would always be straight up with you. Many students got good grades in her class because of her good teaching style.

Ms. Scott was caring, if she ever noticed a student was having a bad day, she would take them aside and talk to them one on one. She never turned a student away. I remember I had a problem in her class with one of the lessons, and she stayed after with me until I had the material down.

I don't think anybody else should even be considered for the EOY besides Ms. Scott. No one will ever be a better teacher than her and many more students than myself might feel the same way. She deserves this award and I know she’ll appreciate the award as much as I like nominating her.

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