Mrs. Skinner | Teen Ink

Mrs. Skinner

June 6, 2018
By coltonkipp13 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
coltonkipp13 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has a favorite teacher; I know I do. Do you? My favorite teacher, who I nominate as Educator of the Year 2018, is my eighth grade English teacher Mrs. Skinner. Before her, English was my least favorite class. That all changed when I was assigned to her class, then it soon became my favorite. Mrs. Skinner made everyone feel welcomed with her kind personality. She always knew what to say and had such great sayings too; they were enlightening sayings, or perhaps that comforted us. One that got me and earned my true respect for her was, “I don’t see you as my students, but as my children. I will take care of y’all.” This made everybody in my class feel welcomed and in good hands. She always made us feel protected. Mrs. Skinner always joked around that we would be the most well-behaved because being enlisted in the Army trained her to order around kids and keep them all in line, that’s why she was made to be a teacher. I nominate Mrs. Skinner for Educator of the Year 2018 for her wonderful personality and ability to lead her students and family.

Mrs. Skinner is always happy no matter what. When I was in eighth grade, a car crashed into her house, but she came to school the day after with a smile still on her face. Even in that time, her personality still remained very charismatic. Mrs. Skinner always knew how to make everyone laugh, even with the case of the Mondays. With her wonderful personality, she helped not just me, but many people with troubles. She always tried her absolute best to make people smile.

Mrs. Skinner enlisted in the Army, so she always had great discipline. She taught many of us “rebellious teens” how to be well behaved in class. Mrs. Skinner never showed signs of fear; if there was a threat, she remained calm and collected. Many people would call her a servant to the people since she always put others before herself. If someone needed help in her class, she’d take time out of her day, or even personal life, to make sure that person was situated. She wanted to see all of us succeed; so she helped everyone who needed it.

Mrs. Skinner is an AMAZING role model. She showed the perfect example of how to be an outstanding person and as a religious person too. If someone were to insult her (which is crazy since she is so amazing), she would not retaliate, but she would talk reason to that person. She never let anger get the worst of her; it was part of being in the Army that showed her that amazing level of self-discipline. If Mrs. Skinner were to be met with a problem, whether moral or personal, she would solve it in the best way possible. In my personal experience, I had troubles with believing in God until one day she subbed in for my religious class since she had no classes that period. She talked to us about our faith and said some things that I’ve never heard any religion teacher talk about. She went so into depth about our faith, and it helped open my eyes and anchored me closer to God.

Mrs. Skinner has taught me and my classmates so many valuable concepts. From treating others fairly and making people laugh, to good study habits and ways of learning, Mrs. Skinner helped me become a well-rounded and strong-in-faith young man I am today. Words cannot describe the thankfulness I have to be her student. I nominated her so others can hear about the wonderful things she has done. She was a tremendous teacher, and I wish everyone could have the gift and honor to have her as a teacher.

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