Mrs. Stout | Teen Ink

Mrs. Stout

June 6, 2018
By Saramkp BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Saramkp BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know anyone with disabilities? If so you might know about best buddies, if not listen up. Mrs. Stout is a teacher at Shue Medill Middle school who realized that the small class room for special needs was missing a little something. Sometimes kids with special needs have a hard time making friends, but she knew a way to make them feel at home. Once Mrs. Stout introduced best buddies the kids completely changed and came out of their shells. She always told them they were no different than anyone else, she made them feel like they could do anything in the world. It’s easy to take the little things for granted but watching these kids grow was a wonderful thing.

So, what is best buddies you ask, well it’s a program where each buddy gets matched with a best buddy. A best buddy is a kid or adult with a disability, and a buddy is a kid or adult without a disability. The kids in the Program started to realize that no challenge is to small even if you need a little helping hand. Best buddies really gave kids a time and place to talk and be one on one with another kid. Mrs. Stout was an amazing role model and you could always tell that she wanted what was best for people around her.

Let’s talk about Rebecca, she was a best buddy. Rebecca was shy at first when she met me, but one day we started to play a puzzle. Rebecca’s favorite puzzle was the biggest one we could find that day, if it was a challenge she was going to do it. One day me and Rebecca did the color run, we ran the water station and got to throw the color at everyone as they went by. Nobody could tell for a second that she had any disability, Rebecca didn’t want people to treat her differently and for once she was heard.

Meghan was another best buddy and let me tell you if it had frozen on it, it was her thing. Meghan was very different from Rebecca, Meghan loved running around. Band days were Meghan’s favorite she loved songs and music. Me and Meghan had a special type of bond she acted different around me more than anyone else. Meghan had a harder time making friends she was quiet and a bit shy, but once we realized we lived only a few houses down from each other we saw each other a lot more

Best buddies and Mrs. Stout were the highlight of my middle school years I got to learn that disabilities can affect people in different ways. The kids who have disabilities can give themselves a pat on the back, and don’t forget to let them know they are amazing in every way possible. I wouldn’t be able to meet the people I did without Mrs. Stout, she is amazing and has helped these kids out so much. And for these reasons, I would like to nominate, Mrs. Stout for Educator of the Year.

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