Senior Chief McClain | Teen Ink

Senior Chief McClain

June 6, 2018
By Benminner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Benminner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Senior Chief McClain is a naval science instructor at the Delaware Military Academy. Senior Chief also used to work in the Navy. He makes the students interested in class with his goofy jokes and keeping us active in class. Naval Science is the class that will feed the fire inside me to start the day off great, and this is all possible because of Senior Chief McClain. I think Senior Chief McClain should be Educator of the Year.

Commitment is very important to me because it can help determine what type of person you are. Senior Chief is a good example of commitment. He is so committed to his job at DMA, that he has never missed a day that was unnecessary. The only time I can recall him missing a day of school is when he had to get surgery, and the very next day he was in class ready to go back to cracking jokes and teaching. This is only one of the many qualities that I love about Senior Chief McClain.

Senior Chief loves to tell jokes during class and while he’s teaching a lesson. There’s this one joke he told us that I will never forget. He said that he had a joke to tell us, but it was a dirty joke. After the whole class was begging him for like 5 minutes for him to tell us the joke, he finally did. Then he said “there was a boy who fell in mud.” The joke was really corny, and we all laughed. Even though he can be goofy at times, there are times when he has to be serious. If you are chewing gum in class or talking while he’s talking, he will make you get up in front of the class and do push ups. He does that to teach us not to do it again; it works.

He sees potential in everyone of his students. He doesn’t let anyone struggle or fall behind in his class. If he notices something off about one of the students in class, he will pull them out into the hallway and see what’s wrong. He's very easy to talk to and will listen if anything is bothering you in school, and if there's something bothering you outside of school, he is more than happy to help you. For example, if you are struggling with doing drill outside, he will pull you aside and help you learn to do those movements, and if he can't, he’ll get one of the class aids to help you.

I think Senior Chief McClain should be Educator of the Year. His class is the class that I look forward to everyday. He teaches us through life lessons he shares with the class, and it’s not always drill and stuff about the Navy. He entertains us while he teaches to make us more involved in the lesson, and he charms us with his humor. Without Senior Chief teaching the class, I think it would be very stale in the classroom. Senior Chief is the most enthusiastic teacher that I’ve ever that, and that is why I think he should be Educator of the Year.

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