2019 | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By angelinadelloso BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
angelinadelloso BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Have you ever felt close to someone other than a family member or a really close friend? Have you ever felt close to a coach or teacher? Everyone needs that special someone in their life to look up to or, everyone needs someone to impact their life in way you will never forget. After reflecting back on all the teachers I have had, only one I could truly say I remember. Her name is Mrs. Foreman; she worked at the Henry B. Middle school located in Hockessin Delaware. Mrs. Foreman was a 7th grade teacher; she was someone that I looked up to in manys ways. She wasn't just my teacher; she was also my coach. I met Mrs. Foreman in my second year of middle school. She was someone I warmed up to quickly because she was someone who understood me easily. I look up to her and admire her, and she’s my nomination for the Educator of the Year contest. Who doesn't like someone who is funny and energetic? Someone that likes to be in a environment that is always happy and full of energy.

Now don't get me wrong, Mrs. Foreman knew when it was time to get the job done and get down to work; however, she also knew how to make learning fun. I always remembered being excited to go to Mrs. Foreman's everyday because I knew she would always be able to put a smile on my face even if I was feeling down. Mrs. Foreman's class consisted of funny jokes, dancing, lots of laughter, and of course learning. I have several funny stories that happened in Mrs. Foreman’s class; however, one I will always remember. One day I walked into Mrs. Foreman’s class, and I sat down to talk to my friends. Mrs. Foreman came over to us and said “ hey can any of you teach me how to do the whip dance”?. I looked at Mrs. Foreman and started cracking up because I thought to myself how does she know about the whip dance. Then, we all showed Mrs. Foreman how to whip, and ever since then, she would always whip when we saw her. Mrs. Foreman honestly was just a funny person always lighting up your day. In addition, Mrs. Foreman was not only my teacher; she was also my coach. Mrs. Foreman took up helping coach girls basketball in my eighth grade year. She didn't know much about the game; she just wanted to do it for us. Mrs. Foreman took the initiative to step up and help coach the basketball team because we didn't have a coach at the time. Mrs. Foreman came to every game and every practice, there to help cheer and boost us and even help us when we were feeling down. Mrs. Foreman cheered me on every game; she would scream my name “GO ANG” all the time, and she would even cheer me on when something in the game wasn't going my way, and she would just bring me back up. Mrs. Foreman was the type of person who wanted to learn more about the game and always know what was going on in the game. Let me tell you, there is no better feeling in the world than knowing someone is cheering you on all the time. Lastly, Mrs. Foreman was someone I could always look up to for advice. I always knew that if I ever had a problem I could go to Mrs.Foreman, and she would tell me how to fix it. One time my friends and I were having difficulties with a friend of mine who wasn’t very nice. I thought long and hard about who could I ask to help me with this other than my family, and I knew it would be Mrs. Foreman. Mrs. Forman gave me advice that was very inspirational; she helped guide me through the problem. Mrs. Foreman is very relaxed and chill always making things easier, and that’s what I like most about her. Without a doubt I know up to this day I could call Mrs.Foreman, and she would help me in any situation. Mrs.Foreman is someone I look up to, and she inspired me; however, there are many more reasons … too numerous to mention. She taught me so much through my middle school years that I will carry with me for the rest of my life without a doubt. I hope maybe one day all of you if you haven’t already you will be able to reflect back on one of your teachers and remember how much they mean to you.

Without a doubt Mrs. Foreman will always be my favorite teacher. She’s my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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