Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

June 6, 2018
By oliviafunk BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
oliviafunk BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Think about a teacher you had in middle school or high school that really made an impact on your life, someone who pushed you to strive for your goals, or taught you life lessons based on things they've experienced. Well, I can definitely think of one teacher, in particular, Master Sergeant Howie. Master Sergeant was in the Marine Corps and is now a teacher at Delaware Military Academy. Master Sergeant will teach you life lessons and what to do in a bad situation, like for example if your house is on fire. Master Sergeant Howie definitely made an impact on me, and it's not even the end of the school year. Master Sergeant is Marine corps. dedicated, and he will make you too.

Master Sergeant Howie is my 9th-grade naval science instructor. Master Sergeant will always make your day by telling you a joke or doing an impression of a person being dumb and falling, and he cares about you. If you're mad or sad, he can tell;he will ask why and who made you that way and if he can help. Master Sergeant will always push you to do well in class or reach your goals, and if you need it, he'll help you. If you're struggling on the first day of school or even in the middle of the school year, just go to Master Sergeant Howie.

Since Master Sergeant was in the Marines, he has tons of stories about fighting, and different places in the world, and of course what he experienced during battles. One time he showed us a picture of him somewhere in uniform with a disabled bomb that almost killed him. Also, since he was in the Marines, he gets really mad when someone wears their uniform incorrectly or is disrespecting the flag because he knows that you know it's wrong and you just won't correct it.  Master Sergeant also teaches you about being respectful and about discipline, when he gets mad about you wearing your uniform incorrectly like not wearing your cover outside,expect to do push-ups.

One thing about Master Sergeant’s class is that if the class is falling asleep during like presentations or something he will just stop the class and make everyone walk around the track. On Fridays we have pt day so we either go outside or to the drill deck/the gym. When we go outside we, get to choose as a platoon what we do outside. Sometimes we play capture the flag, and sometimes we play sharks and minnows. On other days we will go outside to drill and practice how to drill properly. Master Sergeant Howie is very energetic and will definitely wake you up in his class and have a lot of fun outside. On Thursdays we have inspection which is when we all wear our ribbons or if we are higher ranked we wear our chief outfits and look our best, then the inspectors go around and make sure everything on you is correct and on point.

To conclude if you have Master Sergeant Howie, he will teach you so many things your brain might even hurt. Master Sergeant will definitely make an impact on you, either with his impressions, your good grades, his awesome stories, his life lessons, or his Marine Corp. attitude. Master Sergeant Howie would definitely change others opinions about the Marines or even with little things and would be a great nominee for Educator of the Year award.                                                      

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