EOY | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By dboyd BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
dboyd BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year nomination 2018 Boyd, Dior Mr. Michael Ryan Delaware Military Academy ​Have you ever met an educator that checks on you and cares about your future? Well I have and that person is my football coach and the Athletic Director of my high school. My football coach Michael Ryan, is the type of coach that wants to see his student athletes do their best not only on the field but first and foremost in life. ​Coach Ryan loves seeing kids excel not only in sports but in their studies as well. He is an outgoing person and always makes his players feel important. He also pushes his student athletes to be the very best that they can be to maximize their gifts, talents, and all of their abilities. He constantly goes above and beyond to make sure his players get the right exposure. He also is knowledgeable of many of the Division 1 prospect camps, and he keeps his players informed regularly. ​Mr. Ryan is also a person who cares about how you are doing as a student. He regularly visits his students’ classes just to see how they are doing in their studies. His visits are also to make sure that hard work is being put in while in the classroom because it is necessary to take football and any other sport to the next level. Another thing that Mr. Ryan does is he makes sure that the students are using all of the resources available to them wisely, by assisting with getting extra-help even if it is needed or not. ​Coach Ryan is very knowledgeable in his sport. His expertise in the sport of football gives his players the opportunity to become just as knowledgeable which improves their football IQ. He always shares this knowledge with his players from the fundamentals on up to what they should know as veteran players. His knowledge and love of the game of football carries over into how he educates and how he looks out for and cares for the many athletes that he coaches. All of this makes him well-rounded and very easy to come to for help and assistance in anything either school related, sports related, or anything on a personal level. ​I would like to nominate Coach Michael Ryan for Educator of the Year because he is an all-around GREAT coach, educator, and mentor. It is my hope that he is recognized for all that he does daily for his students, players and for young people in our community. If there were more educators like Coach Ryan in every school in our state, Delaware would soar to the top of the education and athletic platform. ​In conclusion, Coach Ryan is a person who has high expectations for his athletes. He also is serious about wanting them to succeed not only on the field but in all areas of life. This is why he is already the Educator of the Year in my eyes.

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I play football

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