Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

June 6, 2018
By michaelbarrett BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
michaelbarrett BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher who goes above and beyond what they are suppose to do? Well I have, and his name is Master Sergeant Howie, or Msgt for short. He is more than qualified to be a teacher at DMA, and if you are lucky enough to have him ,you will become a better person and student. Msgt goes above and beyond his duties as an NSI and teacher and has impacted many students’ lives.

Master sergeant Howie has been in the Marine Corps since high school, and he is very passionate about it. By the way he talks about the Marines, you can tell he loved it. He always says how it was an amazing experience for him and how it changed his life. He was a recruiter for the Marines and also became a martial arts instructor. He used his teaching skills he learned from there to become an outstanding Naval Science Instructor at DMA.

Msgt is an amazing teacher. He teaches the class self values, as in physical fitness, social skills, and life lessons. He tells stories that have happened to him that are on topic and go perfectly with what lesson we are learning. In our first aid unit he taught us useful skills and told us about times where he would have to use them. Msgt brings the whole classroom into discussions and makes sure he gets the lesson’s point across. He makes sure no one is left out and no questions are left unanswered.

Ontop of being an outstanding teacher Msgt has a lively personality too. He is always in a good mood and alway has a smile on his face. Msgt is very funny and is always joking with students or telling funny stories. Even though he is funny, he is serious when he needs to be. If he notices you’re upset he's not scared to pull you aside and ask what's wrong or try to cheer you up.

Msgt goes above and beyond his duties as an NSI and educator and he has impacted many students’ lives. With his training as a Marine he has been able to become an outstanding person and teacher. He is kind to all and won’t hesitate to help someone in need. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of Educator of the Year.

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