EOY | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By AndrewVanSickle BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
AndrewVanSickle BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Educator of the Year nomination is for Mr Myers. Remember when you had that one awesome teacher in any grade? He was that one teacher to me. We did have rough waters at the beginning, but what did you expect at the beginning of the year? He was just a substitute teacher for 6 months, but I felt like he was a real teacher. He did a lot in his life and somehow ended up here at Delaware Military Academy; it was meant to be. He taught in a lot of different schools, but he said my school was one of the best. He visited all 50 states, and he even taught in Russia which I think is pretty cool. Right now he left and is now getting a degree. Before he left, he said that he would want to teach something other than math and hopefully teach at a higher level than high school. So I guess he’s probably going to try to be a professor. He was a pretty well dressed guy, so everyday he would just walk in in a suit and just start teaching. He had a really funny sense of humor, so he would tell jokes a lot and a lot of people would forget that they were in math class. He made algebra fun! We would take breaks, and he would tell stories. Math was my favorite class when he was teaching it was always a good time. He was teaching algebra 1 to a whole bunch of 15 year olds, and he wasn't even 30 yet, so how would it not be fun. We would all crack jokes when we weren't learning math, and when we were learning math, we would all straighten up and listen to him. Like I said, we did have our problems with some things in the classroom but we resolved them and I think I was one of his favorite students by the end of the year. The last few minutes of class we would do fun stuff like learn Chinese and pi. He would also show us really cool pictures and videos from where he'd been. Now you remember your Mr Myers? He was my favorite educator so far. Yes, we had a few battles, but we both ended ok and started to like each other. He was basically just another student just more mature, and we actually had to listen to him. He was the best and most fun teacher I had. Mr Myers was my favorite teacher who is yours. There’s no better choice that Mr Myers for educator of the year.

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